Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC421 .B7 The rise of modern democracy in old and New England / 1
JC421 .B73 1899i The lesson of popular government 1
JC421 .B73 1985 Wittgenstein, skepticism, and political participation : an essay in the epistemology of democratic theory / 1
JC421 .B78313 2013 The Plebeian experience : a discontinuous history of political freedom / 1
JC421 .B79 Idea gminowładztwa w polskiej historiografii : geneza i formowanie się syntezy republikańskiej J. Lelewla. 1
JC421 .B797 1999 Republican theory in political thought : virtuous or virtual? / 1
JC421 .B8 Modern democracies / 1
JC421 .B89 1921i Modern democracies 1
JC421 .C22 2003 Can democracy be designed? : the politics of institutional choice in conflict-torn societies / 1
JC421 .C27 1996 Negotiating democracy : transitions from authoritarian rule / 1
JC421 .C43 1998 The changing nature of democracy / 1
JC421 .C46 1962 Report of the President : January 1, 1961 - March 31, 1962. 1
JC421 .C56 2017 Can the Internet strengthen democracy? / 1
JC421 .C58 1999 Comparative democratization and peaceful change in single-party-dominant countries / 1
JC421 .C6 1997 Consolidating the third wave democracies / 1
JC421 .C64 1995 Cosmopolitan democracy : an agenda for a new world order / 1
JC421 .C65 The good inheritance : the democratic chance / 1
JC421 .C79 1999 Critical citizens : global support for democratic government / 2
JC421 .C86 The crisis of democracy : report on the governability of democracies to the Trilateral Commission / 1
JC421 .C94 2021 A cultural history of democracy / 1