JC423 .D43977 1993
Democracy / |
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JC423 .D439773 2000
Democracy / |
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JC423 .D43978 1996
JC423 .D43978 2018eb
Democracy and crisis : challenges in turbulent times / |
1 |
JC423 .D439783 2014
Democracy and crisis : democratising governance in the twenty-first century / |
2 |
JC423 .D439784 2000eb
Democracy and development : political institutions and well-being in the world, 1950-1990 / |
1 |
JC423 .D43979 1996
Democracy and difference : contesting boundaries of the political / |
1 |
JC423 .D439792 2005
Democracy and excellence : concord or conflict? / |
1 |
JC423 .D439793 2000
Democracy and institutions : the life work of Arend Lijphart / |
1 |
JC423 .D439795 2001
Democracy and national pluralism / |
1 |
JC423 .D439795 2001eb
Democracy and national pluralism / |
1 |
JC423 .D439797 2004
Democracy and pluralism in Muslim Eurasia / |
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JC423.D439797 2004eb JC423.D439797 2004 JC423.D44143 2004
Democracy and Pluralism in Muslim Eurasia. |
1 |
JC423 .D4398 1989
Democracy and the capitalist state / |
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JC423 .D4398 1993
Democracy and possessive individualism : the intellectual legacy of C.B. Macpherson / |
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JC423 .D4398 1993eb
Democracy and possessive individualism : the intellectual legacy of C.B. Macpherson / |
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JC423 .D43982 1993
Democracy and possesive individualism : the intellectual legacy of C.B. Macpherson / |
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JC423 .D43982 2005eb
Democracy and the role of associations political, organizational and social contexts / |
1 |
JC423.D43982 2005eb
Democracy and the Role of Associations : Political, Strutural and Social Contexts. |
1 |
JC423 .D43984 1999
Democracy and trust / |
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