Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC423 .D725 2000 Deliberative democracy and beyond : liberals, critics, contestations / 1
JC423 .D725 2000eb Deliberative democracy and beyond : liberals, critics, contestations / 1
JC423 .D726 1996 Democracy in capitalist times : ideals, limits, and struggles / 1
JC423 .D73 1990 Discursive democracy : politics, policy, and political science / 2
JC423 .D73 2022eb Has populism won? : the war on liberal democracy / 1
JC423 .D74 2010 Foundations and frontiers of deliberative governance / 1
JC423 .D79 2010 Foundations and frontiers of deliberative governance / 1
JC423 .D8 2014 Breaking democracy's spell / 1
JC423 .D8 2014eb Breaking democracy's spell / 2
JC423 .D82 2019 Setting the people free : the story of democracy / 1
JC423 .D824 2008 Crude democracy : natural resource wealth and political regimes / 1
JC423.D824 2008 Crude Democracy : Natural Resource Wealth and Political Regimes. 2
JC423 .E139 2017 Conciliatory democracy : from deliberation toward a new politics of disagreement / 1
JC423 .E14 Two ways of life : the Communist challenge to democracy. 1
JC423 .E37 1995 Reconstructing political pluralism / 1
JC423 .E37 1995eb Reconstructing political pluralism / 1
JC423 .E374 1999 Paradoxes of democracy : fragility, continuity, and change / 1
JC423 .E385 2017 Democracy Promotion as Foreign Policy : Temporal Othering in International Relations / 1
JC423 .E385 2017eb Democracy promotion as foreign policy : temporal othering in international relations / 1
JC423 .E44 2012 Defining democracy voting procedures in decision-making, elections and governance / 1