Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC478 .C43 1998 Fa tuan zhu yi : ji qi yu duo yuan zhu yi di zhu yao fen qi / 1
JC478 .C47 2012 The Chinese Corporatist State : Adaption, Survival and Resistance. 1
JC478 .C67 1988 The Corporate state : corporatism and the state tradition in Western Europe / 2
JC478 .C674 2017eb Corporatism and fascism : the corporatist wave in Europe / 2
JC478 .F69 1985 Para una democracia estable : economía y política / 1
JC478 .J66 2008 Economic adjustment and political transformation in small states / 1
JC478 .L36 1983 Corporate state ideologies : historical roots and philosophical origins / 2
JC478 .P27 1982 Patterns of corporatist policy-making / 2
JC478 .P45 The new corporatism; social-political structures in the Iberian world.
The new corporatism : social-political structures in the Iberian world /
JC478 .P65 1985 The Political economy of corporatism / 1
JC478 .S38 1997 The unconscious civilization / 1
JC478 .T73 Trends toward corporatist intermediation / 2
JC478 .V63 1985 The nation state : the neglected dimension of class / 1
JC478 .W53 1997 Corporatism and comparative politics : the other great "ism" / 1
JC478 .W53 1997eb Corporatism and comparative politics : the other great "ism" / 1
JC478 .W55 1976 The "new corporatism," centralization, and the welfare state / 1
JC478 .W553 1985 Varieties of corporatism : a conceptual discussion / 2
JC478 .W554 1989 Corporatism in perspective : an introductory guide to corporatist theory / 1
JC478 .Z45 1988 Pluralism, corporatism, and Confucianism : political associations and conflict regulation in the United States, Europe, and Taiwan / 2
JC479 Social justice, legitimacy and the welfare state /
After Liberalism : Mass Democracy in the Managerial State /
Welfare states and immigrant rights : the politics of inclusion and exclusion /
Trust Beyond Borders : Immigration, The Welfare State, And Identity In Modern Societies.
Renegotiating the welfare state /
Welfare state reforms seen from below : comparing public attitudes and organized interests in Britain and Germany /
The uses of social investment /
The coalition government and social policy : restructuring the welfare state /
Welfare, populism and welfare chauvinism
States and Welfare States Government for the People.
The politics of the new welfare state
Experiencing society and the lived welfare state /
Historical dictionary of the welfare state /
Election campaigns and welfare state change : democratic linkage and leadership under pressure /
Racism in and for the welfare state /
Austerity policies : bad ideas in practice /
Agents of reform : child labor and the origins of the welfare state /
The welfare state system and common security a global vision for a common future /
Evaluating the welfare state : social and political perspectives /
Reinventing the welfare state : digital platforms and public policies /
The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism /
Gambling Policies in European Welfare States : Current Challenges and Future Prospects /
The Routledge international handbook to welfare state systems : towards global social policy science /
The moral neoliberal : welfare and citizenship in Italy /
Social dictatorships : the political economy of the welfare state in the Middle East and North Africa /
Migration states and welfare states : why is America different from Europe? /
Welfare markets in Europe : the democratic challenge of European integration /
Debt, democracy and the welfare state are modern democracies living on borrowed time and money?
Welfare state transformations and inequality in OECD countries /
Systemwettbewerb und Umverteilung : gefährdet die Globalisierung den Sozialstaat? /
Financing welfare state systems in Asia /
The moral economy of welfare and migration : reconfiguring rights in austerity Britain /
Familial foundations of the welfare state : building the national health insurance systems in South Korea and Taiwan /
Digitalization and the welfare state /
Social cohesion and welfare states from fragmentation to social peace /
The generational welfare contract : justice, institutions and outcomes /
Toward a biopsychosocial welfare state? : how medicine and psychology transform social policy /
Borderline Welfare : Feeling and Fear of Feeling in Modern Welfare /
Gender, Care and Migration in East Asia /
Mixed economies welfare /
Life cycle risks and the politics of the welfare state
Due respect : the morality of the welfare state /