Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC573 .R55 Right-Wing Women : From Conservatives to Extremists Around the World. 1
JC573 .R55 2002 Right-wing women : from conservatives to extremists around the world / 1
JC573 .R55 2002eb Right-wing women : from conservatives to extremists around the world / 1
JC573 .R63 2011eb The reactionary mind : conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin / 1
JC573 .R63 2018 The reactionary mind : conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump / 1
JC573 .R67 2021eb A world after liberalism : philosophers of the radical right / 2
JC573 .R87 2007eb The postmodern imagination of Russell Kirk / 1
JC573 .S27 2002 The meaning of conservatism / 1
JC573 .S46 2022 The ideology of political reactionaries / 1
JC573 .S88132 1997 Conservatism from the French Revolution to the 1990s / 1
JC573.U65 D47 2009 We are doomed : reclaiming conservative pessimism / 1
JC573 .V36 2014 Conservatism and pragmatism in law, politics, and ethics / 1
JC573 .V54 2017 Conservatism revisited : the revolt against ideology / 1
JC573 .V543 2006 Conservative thinkers : from John Adams to Winston Churchill / 1
JC573 .V55 2006  
JC573 .V58 2015 Crítica a la moral conservadora : aborto, eutanasia, drogas, matrimonio igualitario / 1
JC573 .W438 2020 What is post-modern conservatism : essays on our hugely tremendous times / 1
JC573 .W55 2004 The conservative bookshelf : essential works that impact today's conservative thinkers / 1
JC573 ebook Génesis y fundamentos del pensamiento político conservador
Filosofia politica del conservadurismo
Anatomía del intelectual reaccionario : Joseph de Maistre, Vilfredo Pareto y Carl Schmitt : la metamorfosis fascista del conservadurismo /
JC573.2 The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy 1