Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC573.2.L29 V66 2023 Conservatives against the tide : the rise of the argentine pro in comparative perspective /
Conservatives against the tide : the rise of the Argentine PRO in comparative perspective /
JC573.2.N4 O94 2021 The rise of the Dutch new right : an intellectual history of the rightward shift in Dutch politics / 2
JC573.2.P54 A87 2010eb Norman Podhoretz and Commentary magazine : the rise and fall of the neocons / 1
JC573.2.P7 J37 1989 Konserwatyzm--nacjonalizm : studia nad konfrontacjami ideowymi konserwatyzmu krakowskiego i demokracji narodowej przed 1914 r. / 1
JC573.2.R8 Russian Conservatism : managing change under permanent revolution / 1
JC573.2.R8 C66 2020 Contemporary Russian conservatism : problems, paradoxes, and perspectives / 1
JC573.2.R8 C66 2022 Conservatism and memory politics in Russia and Eastern Europe / 1
JC573.2.R8 P57 2005 Russian conservatism and its critics : a study in political culture / 2
JC573.2.R8 R45 2002 Opyt konservativnoĭ kritiki / 1
JC573.2.R8 S875 2019 Contemporary Russian Conservatism Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives. 1
JC573.2.S7 ebook La derecha contra el Estado : el liberalismo autoritario en España, 1833-2008 /
Conservadurismo heterodoxo : tres vías ante las derechas españolas : Maurice Barrès, José Ortega y Gasset y Gonzalo Fernández de la Mora /
JC573.2.T9 C37 2009 The rising tide of conservatism in Turkey /
The rising tide of conservatism in Turkey
JC573.2.U6 Edmund Burke in America : the contested career of the father of modern conservatism /
Clarence Thomas and the tough love crowd counterfeit heroes and unhappy truths /
American conservative : reclaiming conservatism from the right /
The vanishing tradition : perspectives on American conservatism /
Fascism, populism and American democracy /
American Conservatism : an Encyclopedia.
Revolt Against Modernity Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Search for a Post-Liberal Order.
Unraveling the right : the new conservatism in American thought and politics /
The Paleoconservatives : New Voices of the Old Right.
The far right in America /
Alt-Right : From 4chan to the White House.
The alt-right : what everyone needs to know /
Israel and the neoconservatives : Zionism and American interests /
The 21 biggest lies about Donald Trump (and you!) /
Big white ghetto : dead broke, stone-cold stupid, and high on rage in the dank woolly wilds of the "real America" /
Exposing the right and fighting for democracy : celebrating Chip Berlet as journalist and scholar /
Truths the future of America First /
JC573.2.U6 .A247 2017eb Understanding contemporary American conservatism / 1
JC573.2.U6 A425 2009eb The conservatives : ideas and personalities throughout American history / 2
JC573.2.U6 A429 2019 American conservatism, 1900-1930 : a reader / 1
JC573.2.U6 A45 2009 The conservatives : ideas and personalities throughout American history / 1
JC573.2.U6 A45 2016 American conservatism / 1
JC573.2.U6 A45 2016eb American conservatism / 1