Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC573.2.U6 R63 1995eb Clarence Thomas and the tough love crowd counterfeit heroes and unhappy truths / 2
JC573.2.U6 R93 2010 Neoconservatism and the new American century / 2
JC573.2.U6 S26 2010 The struggle to limit government : a modern political history / 3
JC573.2.U6 S26 2010eb The struggle to limit government : a modern political history / 1
JC573.2.U6 S33 1998 Soldiers of misfortune : the New Right's culture war and the politics of political correctness / 2
JC573.2.U6 S35 1999 Cadres for conservatism : Young Americans for Freedom and the rise of the contemporary right /
Cadres for conservatism : young Americans for freedom and the rise of the contemporary right /
JC573.2.U6 S352 2009 The conservative century : from reaction to revolution / 1
JC573.2.U6 S36 2009 The conservative century : from reaction to revolution / 1
JC573.2.U6 S36 2017eb Writing on the Southern front : authentic conservatism for our times / 1
JC573.2.U6 S45 2020 We should have seen it coming : from Reagan to Trump--a front-row seat to a political revolution / 2
JC573.2.U6 S63 2002 Principles and heresies : Frank S. Meyer and the shaping of the American Conservative movement / 1
JC573.2.U6 S64 1996 Hard left : straight talk about the wrongs of the Right /
Hard left : straight talk about the wrongs of the right /
JC573.2.U6 S6434 2007eb The right talk : how conservatives transformed the Great Society into the economic society /
The right talk how conservatives transformed the Great Society into the economic society /
JC573.2.U6 S644 2004 The official handbook of the vast right-wing conspiracy : the arguments you need to defeat the loony left / 2
JC573.2.U6 S644 2008eb The official handbook of the vast right-wing conspiracy / 1
JC573.2.U6 S73 2016 Right moves : the conservative think tank in American political culture since 1945 / 1
JC573.2.U6 S73 2016eb Right moves : the conservative think tank in American political culture since 1945 / 1
JC573.2.U6 S8 2020eb Nuclear country : the origins of the rural new right / 1
JC573.2.U6 S842 2021  
JC573.2.U6 T355 2009 The death of conservatism / 1