Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JC573.2.U6 W582 1996 | With God on our side. | 2 |
JC573.2.U6 W583 1996 | With God on our side. | 2 |
JC573.2.U6 W584 1996 | With God on our side. | 2 |
JC573.2.U6 W585 1996 | With God on our side. | 2 |
JC573.2.U6 W586 1996 | With God on our side. | 2 |
JC573.2.W48 C92 2019 | Cycles of hatred and rage : what right-wing extremists in Europe and their parties tell us about the US / | 1 |
JC573.3.G7 T43 2002 | There is such a thing as society : twelve principles of compassionate conservatism / | 1 |
JC574 |
Reviving the Invisible Hand : the Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century. Liberalism's crooked circle : letters to Adam Michnik / The liberal mind / Within, Against, and Beyond Liberalism A Critique of Liberal IPE and Global Capitalism. Liberalism and transformation : the global politics of violence and intervention / Retrieving liberalism from rationalist constructivism. Recovering the liberal spirit : nietzsche, individuality, and spiritual freedom / Against post-liberal courts and justice : rescuing Ronald Dworkin's legacy / Revisiting Marx's critique of liberalism rethinking justice, legality and rights / Neoliberalism in context governance, subjectivity and knowledge / The Political Theory of Neoliberalism. Liberal progressivism : politics and class in the age of neoliberalism and climate change / Black rights/white wrongs : the critique of racial liberalism / Against Perfectionism Defending Liberal Neutrality Rights angles / Liberalism with excellence / La cultura de la libertad : el poder transformador del liberalismo / Political change, public attitudes and social citizenship : does neoliberalism matter? / Self-interest and social order in classical liberalism : the essays of George H. Smith. Liberals & cannibals : the implications of diversity / Why Liberalism Works : How True Liberal Values Produce a Freer, More Equal, Prosperous World for All / Retrieving liberalism from rationalist constructivism. basics of a liberal psychological, social and moral order / Why White liberals fail race and Southern politics from FDR to Trump / Why liberalism failed / Systemvertrauen und Journalismus im Neoliberalismus / Subjectivities, Identities and Education After Neoliberalism : rising from the rubble / Taking the liberal challenge seriously : essays on contemporary liberalism at the turn of the 21st century / Requiem for modern politics : the tragedy of the enlightenment and the challenge of the new millennium / Liberal world order and its critics : civilisational states and cultural commonwealths / Freedom to care : liberalism, dependency care, and culture / Rethinking Liberalism. Starker Liberalismus : Geschichte und Aktualität einer politischen Idee zur Begrenzung von Wirtschaftsmacht / Neoliberalism and cyberpunk science fiction : living on the edge of burnout / The struggle for a decent politics : on "liberal" as an adjective / Outline of a new liberalism : pragmatism and the stigmatized other / Liberalism in the Shadow of Totalitarianism / Why liberalism works : how true liberal values produce a freer, more equal, prosperous world for all / Beyond liberalism : toward a purpose-guided democracy / Freedom without violence / Human flourishing, liberal theory, and the arts : a liberalism of flourishing / Revisiting Marx's critique of liberalism : rethinking justice, legality and rights / Liberalism : the Basics. Reclaiming Liberalism If you're a classical liberal, how come you're also an egalitarian? a theory of rule egalitarianism / Natural law, liberalism, and morality contemporary essays / The defenders of liberty human nature, individualism, and property rights / Renewing liberalism / Neoliberalism and Cyberpunk Science Fiction Living on the Edge of Burnout. Freedom, indeterminism, and fallibilism Neoliberal securitisation and symbolic violence silencing political, academic and societal resistance / Liberalism and socialism since the nineteenth century : tensions, exchanges, and convergences / Dealing with diversity : a study in contemporary liberalism / Beyond classical liberalism : freedom and the good / Risk and hierarchy in international society : liberal interventionism in the post-Cold War era / DEEP ROOTS OF AMERICAN NEOLIBERALISM a cultural, economic, and philosophical history. The rise and fall of the eagle : an assessment of the liberal world order / Political neutrality : a re-evaluation / The ethics and economics of liberal democracies : foundations for PPE / Das zweite konvivialistische Manifest : Für eine post-neoliberale Welt / A critical legal examination of liberalism and liberal rights / Liberalismus neu denken : freiheitliche Antworten auf die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit / Post-politics in context / Recovering the liberal spirit: Nietzsche, individuality, and spiritual freedom / Fragile victory : the making and unmaking of liberal order / The age of crisis neoliberalism, the collapse of democracy, and the pandemic / Liberalism in dark times : the liberal ethos in the twentieth century / In Defense of Liberal-Pluralism : 2nd Edition. Democracy in moderation : Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and sustainable liberalism / Paradoxes of Neoliberalism : Sex, Gender and Possibilities for Justice. The rise and fall of the neoliberal order / The neoliberal subject : resilience, adaptation and vulnerability / What is classical liberal history? / Geopolitics and democracy : the western liberal order from foundation to fracture / Liberalism / Neoliberalismo y subjetividad una genealogia de la felicidad y de la autoayuda moderna / Contestations of liberal order the West in crisis? / The roots of liberalism : what faithful knights and the little match girl taught us about civic virtue / |
84 |
JC574 .A274 2010 |
Liberalism and human suffering : materialist reflections on politics, ethics, and aesthetics / Liberalism and human suffering materialist reflections on politics, ethics, and aesthetics / |
2 |
JC574 .A434 2022 | Collective resistance to neoliberalism / | 2 |
JC574 .A48 2017 | Alternatives to neoliberalism : towards equality and democracy / | 2 |
JC574 .A73 2007 | Politics on the edges of liberalism : difference, populism, revolution, agitation / | 1 |
JC574 .A73 2007eb | Politics on the edges of liberalism : difference, populism, revolution, agitation / | 3 |
JC574 .A75 2009 | Imposing values : an essay on liberalism and regulation / | 1 |
JC574 .A75 2009eb | Imposing values : an essay on liberalism and regulation / | 1 |
JC574 .A93 2022 | All roads lead to serfdom : confronting liberalism's fatal flaw / | 1 |
JC574 .A98 2005 | Autonomy and the challenges to liberalism : new essays / | 1 |
JC574 .A98 2005eb | Autonomy and the challenges to liberalism : new essays / | 1 |
JC574 .B356 2013 | Manufacturing uncertainty : contemporary U.S. public life and the conservative right / | 1 |
JC574 .B37 1996 | Classical liberalism in the age of post-communism / | 1 |