Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC585 .S756 2021 White freedom : the racial history of an idea / 1
JC585 .S76 Liberalism, ancient and modern. 1
JC585 .S846 1992 Freedom : a coherence theory / 1
JC585 .S85 1928i How we got our liberties 1
JC585 .T23 1918 Liberty and democracy : an address delivered before the Cincinnati City Club / 1
JC585 .T44 2006eb Theory of liberty, legitimacy and power : new directions in the intellectual and scientific legacy of Max Weber / 1
JC585 .T45 1972 The miracle of freedom / 1
JC585 .T483 2012 Violence and colonial order : police, workers and protest in the European colonial empires, 1918-1940 / 1
JC585 .T483 2012eb Violence and colonial order : police, workers and protest in the European colonial empires, 1918-1940 / 2
JC585 .T49 1998 John Adams and the spirit of liberty / 2
JC585 .T56 1930i Thoreau, philosopher of freedom writings on liberty / 1
JC585 .T67 2002 Toward liberty : the idea that is changing the world : 25 years of public policy from the Cato Institute / 1
JC585 .T67 2002eb Toward liberty : the Idea That Is Changing World. 1
JC585 .T78 1937i A Thomistic interpretation of civic right in the United States 1
JC585 .T78 1951i The defense of freedom address by Harry S. Truman, President of the United States, July 4, 1951. 1
JC585 .U415 Freedom of information : a compilation. 1
JC585 .U54 1978i Country reports on human rights practices report submitted to the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, and Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate / 1
JC585 .U55 1961i 1961 United States Commission on Civil Rights report 1
JC585 .V26 Man's right to knowledge and the free use thereof / 1
JC585 .V276 Human rights, the United States, and world community. 1