Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC596.2.U5 P64 The Politics of privacy : planning for personal data systems as powerful technologies / 1
JC596.2.U5 P75 2015 Privacy in the modern age : the search for solutions / 1
JC596.2.U5 P77 2015eb Privacy in the modern age : the search for solutions / 1
JC596.2.U5 R44 1995 Legislating privacy : technology, social values, and public policy / 3
JC596.2.U5 R44 1995eb Legislating privacy technology, social values, and public policy / 1
JC596.2.U5 S23 1993 The question of privacy in public policy : an analysis of the Reagan-Bush era / 2
JC596.2.U5 S24 2015eb  
JC596.2.U5 S34 2015 They know everything about you : how data-collecting corporations and snooping government agencies are destroying democracy / 1
JC596.2.U5 S63 2008 The right to privacy / 1
JC596.2.U5 S64 1994 Managing privacy : information technology and corporate America / 3
JC596.2.U5 S646 2000 Ben Franklin's web site : privacy and curiosity from Plymouth Rock to the Internet / 1
JC596.2.U5 S95 1999 The end of privacy / 2
JC596.2.U5 T43 2004 Technology and privacy in the new millennium / 2
JC596.2.U5 W66 2002 Privacy vs. security : electronic surveillance in the nation's capital / 1
JC597 Controlling Knowledge : Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World. 1
JC597 .C55 1995 Clearing the fields : solutions to the global land mines crisis / 1
JC597 .D5 A dissertation on the following question: In what manner do trade and civil liberty support and assist each other? : being one of those dissertations which lost the prizes instituted ... in the University of Cambridge / 1
JC597 .G76 Privacy--its legal protection / 1
JC597 .L35 Landmines. 1
JC597 .L36 1993 Landmines : a deadly legacy / 2