Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC599.K4 V583 1994 Tiger torture under one-party rule : exploring Africa's human rights abuses in Kenya, with a discourse on Rwanda, Somalia and Malawi / 1
JC599.K6 Human rights and transnational democracy in South Korea / 1
JC599.K6 H86 1991 Human rights in Korea : historical and policy perspectives / 1
JC599.K6 U55 1975i Human rights in South Korea and the Philippines implications for U.S. policy : hearings before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session, May 20, 22, June 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, and 24, 1975. 1
JC599.K7 North Korean human rights : the road ahead / 1
JC599.K7 F34 2019 Dying for rights : putting North Korea's human rights abuses on the record / 1
JC599.K7 H45 2013 Dialogue with North Korea? : preconditions for talking human rights with a hermit kingdom / 1
JC599.K7 K555 2012 Securitization of human rights : North Korean refugees in East Asia / 1
JC599.K7 N675 2015 North Korean human rights : the road ahead / 1
JC599.K7 N68 2018eb North Korean human rights : activists and networks / 1
JC599.K7 S67 2011 Human rights discourse in North Korea : post-colonial, Marxist, and Confucian perspectives / 1
JC599.K7 S67 2011eb Human rights discourse in North Korea post-colonial, Marxist, and Confucian perspectives /
Human rights discourse in North Korea : post-colonial, Marxist, and Confucian perspectives /
JC599.K7 T73 2015 Transitional justice in unified Korea /
Transitional justice in unified Korea
JC599.K8 B75 1988 Assessing reform in South Korea : a supplement to the Asia Watch report on legal process and human rights. 1
JC599.K8 R45 1977 Report of an Amnesty International mission to the Republic of Korea, 27 March-9 April 1975. 1
JC599.K8 R46 1981 Republic of Korea violations of human rights : an Amnesty International report. 1
JC599.K8 S67 1986 South Korea : violations of human rights. 1
JC599.K8 S74 1987 "A Stern, steady crackdown" : legal process and human rights in South Korea. 1
JC599.K8 U5 Human rights in South Korea: implications for U.S. policy. : Hearings before the Subcommittees on Asian and Pacific Affairs and on International Organizations and Movements, 93d Congress, 2d Session / 1
JC599.K88 H86 1994 Human rights in times of occupation : the case of Kuwait / 1