Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC75.D36 D43 1998 Democracy 2500? : questions and challenges / 1
JC75.D36 D45 1975 Democracy, ideas and realities / 1
JC75.D36 D47 1996 Dēmokratia : a conversation on democracies, ancient and modern / 1
JC75.D36 E83 2010 Civic rites : democracy and religion in ancient Athens / 1
JC75.D36 E83 2010eb Civic rites democracy and religion in ancient Athens /
Civic rites : democracy and religion in ancient Athens /
JC75.D36 ebook Democracia, pasión de multitudes : política, comedia y emociones en la Atenas clásica /
Filosofía y democracia en la Grecia antigua
JC75.D36 F37 1987 The origins of Democratic thinking : the invention of politics in classical Athens / 1
JC75.D36 F37 1988 The origins of Democratic thinking : the invention of politics in classical Athens / 1
JC75.D36 F68 1997 Aristocratie et démocratie : idéologies et sociétés en Grèce ancienne / 1
JC75.D36 G67 2014 Politics and the street in democratic Athens / 1
JC75.D36 G67 2014eb Politics and the street in democratic Athens / 1
JC75.D36 G73 2013 The Greek Polis and the invention of democracy : a politico-cultural transformation and its interpretations /
The Greek polis and the invention of democracy : a politico-cultural transformation and its interpretations /
The Greek Polis and the invention of democracy a politico-cultural transformation and its interpretations /
JC75.D36 G74 2001 Democratic virtue in the trial and death of Socrates : resistance to imperialism in classical Athens / 1
JC75.D36 H3613 1999  
JC75.D36 H44 2018 The Hellenistic reception of classical Athenian democracy and political thought / 1
JC75.D36 H47 2000 Deception and democracy in classical Athens / 1
JC75.D36 H47 2000eb Deception and democracy in classical Athens / 2
JC75.D36 M44 1988 Kannten die Griechen die Demokratie? : zwei Studien / 1
JC75.D36 M58 2015 Democracy's beginning : the Athenian story / 1
JC75.D36 M58 2015eb Democracy's beginning : the Athenian story / 1