Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC75.F74 S29 2006 Free speech and democracy in ancient Athens / 2
JC75.F74 S29 2006eb Free speech and democracy in ancient Athens / 1
JC75.H6 H45 1983 Honours and privileges in Athenian decrees : the principal formulae of Athenian honorary decrees / 1
JC75.I4 R62 1982 Accountability in Athenian government / 1
JC75.I5 M3 1979 La vie internationale dans la Grèce des cités / 1
JC75.J8 F37 2006 Citizen and self in ancient Greece : individuals performing justice and the law / 1
JC75.J8 F37 2006eb Citizen and self in ancient Greece : individuals performing justice and the law / 2
JC75.J8 H38 The Greek concept of justice : from its shadow in Homer to its substance in Plato / 1
JC75.J8 P76 1996 Processi e politica nel mondo antico / 1
JC75.J9 B6 Lawyers and litigants in ancient Athens : the genesis of the legal profession. 1
JC75.L3 B4 Zur griechischen Rechtsgeschichte. 1
JC75.L3 B6 The administration of justice from Homer to Aristotle / 1
JC75.L3 C25 1979 Études sur les antiquités juridiques d'Athènes : parts I-X / 1
JC75.L3 D37 La science du droit en Grèce : Platon, Aristote, Théophraste. 1
JC75.L3 E5 1966 Die Rechtsidee im frühen Griechentum. : Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der werdenden Polis. 1
JC75.L3 G4 1979 Droit et société dans la Grèce ancienne / 1
JC75.L3 H5 1966 Themis, Dike und Verwandtes : ein beitrag zur geschichte der rechtsidee bei den Griechen / 1
JC75.L3 M34 The law in classical Athens / 1
JC75.L3 P44 The oath and perjury in ancient Greece. 1
JC75.L32 H36 Apagoge, endeixis and ephegesis against kakourgoi, atimoi and pheugontes : a study in the Athenian administration of justice in the fourth century B. C. / 1