JC85.E4 K37 2019
Zwischen Bitten und Bestechen : Ambitus in der politischen Kultur der römischen Republik - Der Fall des Cn. Plancius / |
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JC85.E4 T3
Roman voting assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the dictatorship of Caesar. |
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JC85.E4 Y34 1999
Elections and electioneering in Rome : a study in the political system of the late republic / |
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JC85.E5 F4
Princeps a Diis Electus : the divine election of the emperor as a political concept at Rome / |
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JC85.E95 K45 2006
A history of exile in the Roman republic / |
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JC85.E95 K45 2006eb
A history of exile in the Roman republic / |
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JC85.F74 F54 2021
Frankness, Greek culture, and the Roman Empire / |
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Spying through a glass darkly : the ethics of espionage and counter-intelligence / |
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JC85.I58 S54 2005
Intelligence activities in ancient Rome : trust in the gods, but verify / |
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JC85.I6 S54 2004eb
Intelligence activities in ancient Rome : trust in the gods, but verify / |
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JC85.I6 S54 2005
Intelligence activities in ancient Rome : trust in the gods, but verify / |
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JC85.J9 B38 1983
Lawyers in Roman Republican politics : a study of the Roman jurists in their political setting, 316-82 BC / |
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JC85.J9 D84
Personality in Roman private law / |
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JC85.J9 F74 1985
The rise of the Roman jurists : studies in Cicero's Pro Caecina / |
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JC85.J9 J65
The criminal courts of the Roman Republic and Principate / |
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JC85.J9 K8
Kleine Schriften : zum röm. Strafverfahren u.z. röm. Verfassungsgeschichte / |
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JC85.J9 S85
Regulae iuris : from juristic rules to legal maxims. |
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JC85.L3 A65 1963
Outlines of Roman law. |
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JC85.L3 B4 1968
Staat und Recht der römischen Königszeit : im Verhältniss zu verwandten Rechten. |
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JC85.L3 B45
The emperor says : studies in the rhetorical style in edicts of the Early Empire / |
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