Call Number (LC) Title Results
JF497.E85 R45 2013eb You vote what you read? : news coverage before the two Irish referendums on the Lisbon Treaty / 1
JF497.E85 U54 1996 Constitutional justice and democracy by referendum : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Strasbourg, on 23-24 June 1995 in co-operation with the "Institut des hautes études européennes" of Strasbourg, Robert Schuman University, and with the support of the European Union. 1
JF497.E8515 H36 2018eb Handbook of direct democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 /|cMaria Marczewska-Rytko (ed.)
Handbook of direct democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 /
JF497.E976 The Brexit Referendum on Twitter : A Mixed-Method, Computational Analysis. 1
JF497.G3 Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2009 /
Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2011 /
Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2010 /
JF497.G7 Brexlit : British Literature and the European Project.
Unleashing demons : the inside story of brexit /
JF497.G7 A3313 2020 Brexit : causes and consequences / 1
JF497.G7 A68 2020 The first referendum : reassessing Britain's entry to Europe, 1973-75 / 1
JF497.G7 A86 2020 The referendum in Britain : a history / 1
JF497.G7 C53 2017 Brexit : why Britain voted to leave the European Union / 1
JF497.G7 D43 2017 Debating Scotland : issues of independence and union in the 2014 referendum / 1
JF497.G7 D45 2018 Framing referendum campaigns in the news / 1
JF497.G7 F34 2023 The failure of remain : anti-Brexit activism in the United Kingdom / 1
JF497.G7 G54 2016 Why the UK voted for Brexit : David Cameron's great miscalculation / 2
JF497.G7 L96 2017 IndyRef to ScotRef : campaigning for yes / 1
JF497.G7 M378 2019 Slipping Loose : the UK's Long Drift Away From the European Union. 1
JF497.G7 Q67 2018 Government by referendum / 1
JF497.G7 .R476 2018 Reporting the Road to Brexit : international media and the EU Referendum 2016 / 1
JF497.G7 S258 2018 Yes to Europe! : the 1975 referendum and seventies Britain / 1
JF497.G7 S26 2000 Scotland decides : the devolution issue and the 1997 referendum / 1