JF541 .A45
Unicameral legislatures / |
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JF541 .A45 1937a
Unicameral legislatures / |
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JF541 .B8
Unicameral legislatures / |
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JF541 .G35
Le système unicaméral : son application en Égypte, en Syrie et dans la République arabe unie. |
1 |
JF541 .M4
Second chambers : an inductive study in political science / |
1 |
JF541 .M4 1910i
Second chambers an inductive study in political science / |
1 |
JF541 .M4 1927
Second chambers : an inductive study in political science / |
1 |
JF541 .P88 1935i
Unicameral legislatures |
1 |
JF541 .S39 2001eb
Second chambers |
1 |
JF541 .S43 1999
Senates : bicameralism in the contemporary world / |
1 |
JF541 .S46 1937i
The one-house legislature |
1 |
JF541 .S68 1659
A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. / |
1 |
JF541 .S8
Unicameral legislatures. |
1 |
JF541 .T3 1910i
Senates and upper chambers their use and function in the modern state, with a chapter on the reform of the House of Lords / |
1 |
JF541 .T76 1997
Bicameralism / |
2 |
JF541 .T88 1991
Two into one : the politics and processes of national legislative cameral change / |
1 |
JF541 .U55 1937i
Unicameral legislatures |
1 |
JF700 .U84
World-famous trials : the conflict and drama of history's greatest court-room classics / |
1 |
JF701 .A567 1981
Los Años Santanderinos de Ricardo Gullon, (1941-1953) |
1 |
JF701 .B42
Comparative judicial politics : the political functionings of courts / |
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