Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK1976 .F42 1996 Federal election law 96 : a summary of federal laws pertaining to registration, voting, and public employee participation / 1
JK1976 .F67 1991 The formation of campaign agendas : a comparative analysis of party and media roles in recent American and British elections / 1
JK1976 .F85 2021 Tuesday's gone : America's early voting revolution / 2
JK1976 .G33 Election campaign handbook / 1
JK1976 .G44 2013 Formal models of domestic politics / 1
JK1976 .G46 2023 Geographies of the 2020 U.S. presidential election / 1
JK1976 .G47 2009 The democracy index : why our election system is failing and how to fix it / 2
JK1976 .G47 2009eb The democracy index : why our election system is failing and how to fix it / 2
JK1976 .G64 1984 Campaigning for Congress / 2
JK1976 .G66 2016 Governing in a polarized age : essays on elections, parties and political representation in honor of David Mayhew / 1
JK1976 .G66 2017 Governing in a polarized age : elections, parties and political representation in America / 1
JK1976 .G73 Playing to win : an insider's guide to politics / 2
JK1976 .G74 2015 The Federal Voting Assistance Program and the road ahead : achieving institutional change through analysis and collaboration / 1
JK1976 . G85 2005 Guide to U.S. elections. 1
JK1976 .G85 2005 Guide to U.S. elections. 1
JK1976 .H25 2015 Administering elections : how American elections work / 2
JK1976 .H255 2020 How we vote : innovation in American elections / 2
JK1976 .H28 2008eb Crisis at the polls : an electoral reform handbook / 1
JK1976 .H355 2019 Who wants to run? : how the devaluing of political office drives polarization / 2
JK1976 .H37 1934i Election administration in the United States 1