Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK1985 .A484 2008 Electronic elections : the perils and promises of digital democracy / 1
JK1985 .A58 2004eb Point, click, and vote : the future of Internet voting / 1
JK1985 .A85 2006 Asking the right questions about electronic voting / 1
JK1985 .A85 2006eb Asking the right questions about electronic voting / 1
JK1985 .M33 2006i The machinery of democracy protecting elections in an electronic world / 1
JK1985 .N67 2006i The machinery of democracy usability of voting systems / 1
JK1985 .R83 2006 Brave new ballot : the battle to safeguard democracy in the age of electronic voting / 1
JK1985 .V68 2008 Voting technology : the not-so-simple act of casting a ballot / 1
JK1985 .V68 2008eb Voting technology : the not-so-simple act of casting a ballot / 1
JK1986 .M4 Non-voting, causes and methods of control / 1
JK1987 .D57 2001 Dissenting electorate : those who refuse to vote and the legitimacy of their opposition / 1
JK1987 .H33 The empty polling booth / 2
JK1987 .H57 1999 Voting rites : the devolution of American politics / 1
JK1987 .P58 1988 Why Americans don't vote / 3
JK1987 .P58 2000 Why Americans still don't vote : and why politicians want it that way / 2
JK1987 .R34 2017 The American nonvoter / 2
JK1987 .T45 1992 The disappearing American voter / 2
JK1991 Campaign and party finance in north america and western europe.
Big money : 2.5 billion dollars, one suspicious vehicle, and a pimp-- on the trail of the ultra-rich hijacking American politics /
Campaign finance and political polarization : when purists prevail /
The fundamentals of campaign finance in the U.S. : why we have the system we have /
Money, Elections, And Democracy : Reforming Congressional Campaign Finance /
Plutocrats united : campaign money, the Supreme Court, and the distortion of American elections /
Self-Financed Candidates in Congressional Elections.
Big Money unleashed : the campaign to deregulate election spending /
Tuesday night massacre : four Senate elections and the radicalization of the Republican Party /
Dirty politics, dirty data : taming the Federal Election Commission's database /
Congressional parties, institutional ambition, and the financing of majority control /
Campaign finance reform : the political shell game /
Voting with Dollars : A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance /
Creative campaigning : PACs and the presidential selection process /
Who donates in campaigns? : the importance of message, messenger, medium, and structure /
JK1991 .A4 1952c Information of importance to candidates for office of United States representative in the 83d Congress. 1
JK1991 .A4 1962 Financing presidential campaigns : report. 1