Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK1991 .D85 Financing presidential campaigns / 1
JK1991 .E27 1988 Power and money : writing about politics, 1971-1987 / 1
JK1991 .E54 2006 The election after reform : money, politics, and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act / 1
JK1991 .F37 2008 Limits and loopholes : the quest for money, free speech, and fair elections / 1
JK1991 .F422f FEC reports on financial activity final report. 1
JK1991 .F45 FEC reports on financial activity. final report. 1
JK1991 .F55 The Financiers of Congressional Elections : Investors, Ideologues, and Intimates. 1
JK1991 .F55 2003 The financiers of congressional elections : investors, ideologues, and intimates / 2
JK1991 .F56 2015 Financing the 1996 election / 1
JK1991 .F566 1999 Financing the 1996 election / 1
JK1991 .F568 2002eb Financing the 2000 election / 1
JK1991 .F57 2006 Financing the 2004 election / 2
JK1991 .F57 2006eb Financing the 2004 election / 1
JK1991 .F575 2011eb Financing the 2008 election / 1
JK1991 .F74 1992 Gold-plated politics : running for Congress in the 1990s / 2
JK1991 .F75 1992 Handbook of campaign spending : money in the 1990 congressional races / 1
JK1991 .G53 1992 Legislative party campaign committees in the American states / 2
JK1991 .G53 2015 Legislative Party Campaign Committees in the American States. 1
JK1991 .G533 2000 Money rules : financing elections in America / 1
JK1991 .G533 2000eb Money rules financing elections in America / 1