Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK2281 .L385 2012 Becoming a candidate : political ambition and the decision to run for office / 1
JK2281 .L385 2012eb Becoming a candidate : political ambition and the decision to run for office / 2
JK2281 .L39 2010 Hillary Clinton's race for the White House : gender politics and the media on the campaign trail / 1
JK2281 .L55 2003 The millennium election : communication in the 2000 campaign / 2
JK2281 .L56 2011 Competitive elections and the American voter / 3
JK2281 .L85 1988 Candidates, consultants, and campaigns : the style and substance of American electioneering / 1
JK2281 .M33 2011 Campaign communication and political marketing / 1
JK2281 .M335 2000 Targeting senior voters : campaign outreach to elders and others with special needs / 1
JK2281 .M35 2007 Evaluating campaign quality : can the electoral process be improved? / 2
JK2281 .M35 2007eb Evaluating campaign quality : can the electoral process be improved? / 2
JK2281 .M36 1999 The Manship School guide to political communication / 1
JK2281 .M36 2011 Political Communication : the Manship School Guide. 1
JK2281 .M363 2012 Margin of victory : how technologists help politicians win elections / 1
JK2281 .M365 2006 Going dirty : the art of negative campaigning / 2
JK2281 .M365 2009 Going dirty : the art of negative campaigning / 1
JK2281 .M372 2011 Race appeal : how candidates invoke race in U.S. political campaigns / 1
JK2281 .M372 2011eb Race appeal : how candidates invoke race in U.S. political campaigns /
Race appeal how candidates invoke race in U.S. political campaigns /
JK2281 .M38 1988 Media technology and the vote : a source book / 1
JK2281 .M384 2001 Political consultants in U.S. congressional elections / 1
JK2281 .M388 2014 The positive case for negative campaigning / 1