Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK2391.D4G53 JK2391.D4 Minnesota Farmer-Laborism : the Third-Party Alternative. 2
JK2391.D4 L4 The 21st ballot : a political party struggle in Minnesota. 1
JK2391.F3 R53 1924i Farmers and workers in American politics 1
JK2391.L62 Left in the Center The Liberal Party of New York and the Rise and Fall of American Social Democracy. 2
JK2391.L62 S69 2022 Left in the center : the Liberal Party of New York and the rise and fall of American social democracy / 1
JK2391.L81 M8 1926 The Liberal Republican movement in Missouri, 1865-1871 / 1
JK2391.L81 M8 1926a The Liberal Republican movement in Missouri, 1865-1871 / 1
JK2391.L9 Garrison state hegemony in U.S. politics : a critical ethnohistory of corruption and power in the world's oldest 'democracy' / 1
JK2391.L9 H39 1992 The Libertarian Party and other minor political parties in the United States / 1
JK2391.L9 M22 A new dawn for America : the libertarian challenge / 1
JK2391.L9 W55 2021 Garrison state hegemony in U.S. politics : a critical ethnohistory of corruption and power in the world's oldest 'democracy' / 1
JK2391.L93 J64 2009 The Liberty Party, 1840-1848 : antislavery third-party politics in the United States / 1
JK2391.M45 M68 2016 Progrès et action collective : portrait du méliorisme aux États-Unis / 1
JK2391.N3 S75 The Stormtrooper magazine. 2
JK2391.N34 R67 1998 The Natural Law Party : a reason to vote : breaking the two-party stranglehold and bringing effective new solutions to America's problems / 2
JK2391.N343 H65 1999 The National Black Independent Political Party : political insurgency or ideological convergence? / 1
JK2391.N343 H65 1999eb The National Black Independent Political Party political insurgency or ideological convergence? / 1
JK2391.N35 T55 The Thunderbolt. 1
JK2391.N35 T78 The Truth at Last. 1
JK2391.N35 T78 1988a The truth at last : news suppressed by the daily press / 1