Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK305 .S4675 2003 Separation of powers : documents and commentary / 1
JK305 .S47 1986 Separation of powers--does it still work? / 1
JK305 .S48 1989 Separation of powers in the American political system / 1
JK305 .S54 2018 The myth of coequal branches : restoring the constitution's separation of functions / 1
JK305 .V3 1953 The doctrine of the separation of powers and its present-day significance. 1
JK305 ebook  
JK306 .S7 Constitutional power and world affairs / 1
JK308 .C6 no.719 State water quality planning issues. 1
JK310 .A48 1985 American intergovernmental relations : foundations, perspectives, and issues / 1
JK310 .A48 1993 American intergovernmental relations : foundations, perspectives, and issues / 2
JK310 .A5 1900 State documents on Federal relations the states and the United States / 1
JK310 .U53 Publications and finance diskettes 1
JK311 Libertad y coacción la paradoja del gobierno estadunidense desde su fundación hasta el presente /
Intergovernmental relations in transition : reflections and directions /
Splitsville USA : a democratic argument for breaking up the United States /
JK311 .A48 1999 American intergovernmental relations : foundations, perspectives, and issues / 1
JK311 .A48 2000 American intergovernmental relations : foundations, perspectives, and issues / 1
JK311 .A63 2013 Federalism, secession, and the American state : divided, we secede / 3
JK311 .B36 2013 The fallacies of states' rights / 1
JK311 .B36 2013eb The fallacies of states' rights /
The fallacies of states' rights
JK311 .B4 American theories of federalism. 2
JK311 .B83 2020 American secession : the looming threat of a national breakup / 1