Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK3125 1780 .P47 The Massachusetts constitution of 1780 : a social compact / 2
JK3125 1960 .L3 Massachusetts politics / 1
JK3125 1970 .L4 Massachusetts State government. 1
JK3125.1780 .H3 Joseph Hawley's criticism of the constitution of Massachusetts / 1
JK3125.1853 .A22 Journal of the Constitutional convention of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1
JK3130 .M35i MA legislator profiles 1
JK3149.P64 H64 2002 Massachusetts politics and public policy : studies in power and leadership / 1
JK3152 1969 .W45 Managing the State / 2
JK3158 .C63 1945i Record of the impeachment of Daniel H. Coakley, councillor from the fourth councillor district and proceedings of the Senate sitting as a court for the trial of said impeachment May 5, 1939, to October 2, 1941 / 1
JK3166 .M34 2000 Experiencing politics : a legislator's stories of government and health care / 1
JK3166 .M34 2000eb Experiencing Politics : A Legislator's Stories of Government and Health Care /
Experiencing politics : a legislator's stories of government and health care /
JK3171 .L43 The Great and General Court : the legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1
JK3179 1942 .A5 Reports of contested election cases in the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the years 1923-1942 : together with the opinions of the Supreme Judicial Court relating to such elections / 1
JK3179 .A3 1780-1852 Reports of controverted elections in the House of representatives, of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1780 to 1852: 1
JK3189 .N44 2008 Creating a nation of joiners : democracy and civil society in early national Massachusetts / 1
JK3189 .N44 2008eb Creating a nation of joiners : democracy and civil society in early national Massachusetts /
Creating a nation of joiners democracy and civil society in early national Massachusetts /
JK3195 .B37 God save the Commonwealth : an electoral history of Massachusetts. 1
JK3195 .M54 Campaigning for the Massachusetts Senate : electioneering outside the political limelight / 1
JK3205 .R33 reel C(1) unit 1 title 1 film Charter of Rhode-Island, July 8th 1663 1
JK3205 .R33 reel C(1) unit 1 title 2 film The charter granted by His Majesty, King Charles the second, to the colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-plantations in America 1