Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK526 2008 .S87 2012eb Debatable Humor : Laughing Matters on the 2008 Presidential Primary Campaign. 1
JK526 2008.S98 2010 Studies of Identity in the 2008 Presidential Campaign. 1
JK526 2008 .S98 2010 Studies of identity in the 2008 presidential campaign / 1
JK526 2008 .T43 2011 Techno politics in presidential campaigning : new voices, new technologies, and new voters / 2
JK526 2008 .T56 2009 "A long time coming" : the inspiring, combative 2008 campaign and the historic election of Barack Obama / 1
JK526 2008 .W46 2010 Who should be first? : feminists speak out on the 2008 presidential campaign / 1
JK526 2008 .W46 2010eb Who should be first? : feminists speak out on the 2008 presidential campaign / 1
JK526 2008 .W55 2009 Winning the presidency 2008 / 1
JK526 2008 .W55 2016 Winning the presidency 2008 / 1
JK526 2008 .W56 2009 Winning the White House, 2008 1
JK526 2008 .W67 2009 The world views of the US presidential election : 2008 /
The world views of the US presidential election 2008 /
JK526 2008 .Y437 2010 The year of Obama : how Barack Obama won the White House / 1
JK526 2012 The 2012 presidential campaign : a communication perspective /
A transformation in American national politics : the presidential election of 2012 /
Culture, Rhetoric, and Voting : the Presidential Election of 2012.
Winning the presidency 2012 /
JK526 2012 .A18 2013eb The 2012 presidential campaign : a communication perspective / 1
JK526 2012 .A19 2014 The 2012 presidential election : forecasts, outcomes, and consequences / 1
JK526 2012 .B35 2013 Collision 2012 : Obama vs. Romney and the future of elections in America / 1
JK526 2012 .B37 2013eb Barack Obama and the new America the 2012 election and the changing face of politics / 1
JK526 2012 .C36 2012eb Campaign 2012 : twelve independent ideas for improving American public policy / 2
JK526 2012 .C38 2013eb Campaigning for president 2012 : strategy and tactics / 2
JK526 2012 .C43 2013 After hope and change : the 2012 elections and American politics / 1