Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JK765 .V34 | The spoiled system : a call for Civil Service reform / | 1 |
JK765 .W5 | Government by merit : an analysis of the problem of government personnel / | 1 |
JK765 JK765 .L54 2004 | Addressing the Human Capital Crisis in the Federal Government : a Knowledge Management Perspective. | 1 |
JK766.4 .A3 1986i | Affirmative action: National Institutes of Health does not fully meet Federal requirements report to Congressional requesters / | 1 |
JK766.4 .F42 1983i | Federal affirmative action efforts in mid-America | 1 |
JK766.4 .S54 2008i | Human capital diversity in the federal SES and senior levels of the U.S. Postal Service and processes for selecting new executives : testimony before congressional committees / | 1 |
JK766.4 .S73 1984i | The state of affirmative action in the federal government staff report analyzing 1980 and 1983 employment profiles / | 1 |
JK766.4 .S73 2007i | Human capital diversity in the federal SES and the senior levels of the U.S. Postal Service : testimony before the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives / | 1 |
JK766.4 .S73 2008i | Human capital workforce diversity governmentwide and at the Small Business Administration : testimony before the Subcommittee on Regulations, Health Care, and Trade, Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives / | 1 |
JK766.4 .S76 2008i | Diversity management important actions taken and planned to further enhance diversity : testimony before the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives / | 1 |
JK766.4 .S77 2007i | Human capital building diversity in GAO's Senior Executive Service : testimony before the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives / | 1 |
JK766.4 .U53 2005i | Diversity management expert-identified leading practices and agency examples : report to the ranking minority member, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
JK766.4 .U53 2020i |
State Department additional steps are needed to identify potential barriers to diversity : report to congressional requesters / State Department additional steps are needed to identify potential barriers to diversity : testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives / |
2 |
JK766.4 .U54 1983i | Equal opportunity in presidential appointments a statement of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. | 1 |
JK766.4 .U54 1991i | Federal affirmative employment status of women and minority representation in the federal workforce : statement of Bernard L. Ungar, Director, Federal Human Resource Management Issues, General Government Division, before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate / | 1 |
JK766.4 .U54 1992i | Federal affirmative employment status of women and minority representation in federal law enforcement occupations : statement of Bernard L. Ungar, Director, Federal Human Resource Management Issues, General Government Division, before the Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives / | 1 |
JK766.4 .U54a |
Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP), report to Congress Report to Congress, annual report on implementation of the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program. |
2 |
JK766.4 .U544 1980i | Implementation of affirmative action planning | 1 |
JK766.4 .U554 1995i |
Federal affirmative employment progress of women and minority criminal investigators at selected agencies : report to the Honorable William L. Clay, House of Representatives / Equal employment opportunity women and minority representation at Interior, Agriculture, Navy, and State : report to the ranking minority member, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / |
2 |
JK766.4 .U56 1983 | Equal opportunity in presidential appointments : a statement of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. | 1 |