Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN193 .W6 Leveller manifestoes of the Puritan Revolution / 1
JN194 .093 A persvvassion to loyalty, or, The subject's dutie vvherein is proved that resisting or deposing of kings (under what spccious [sic] pretences soever couched) is utterly unlawfull / 2
JN194 1609 An apologie for the oath of allegiance 1
JN194 1642 .J66 Christus dei, the Lords annoynted, or, A theologicall discourse wherein is proved, that the regall or monarchicall power of our soveraigne Lord King Charles is not of humane, but of divine right, and that God is the sole efficient cause thereof, and not the people : also that every monarch is above the whole common-wealth, and is not onely major singulis, but major vniversis : written in answer to a late printed pamphlet intituled, Observations upon some of His Maiesties late answers and expressess. 1
JN194 1642 .W67 A Worthy speech spoken at the Guild Hall by the Earle of Holland with the resolution of the Earle of Pembroke, Earle of Northumberland, ... : also some passages concerning His Maiesties letter to the lord major touching the carrying in of plate into Guild Hall ..
A Worthy speech spoken at the Guild Hall by the Earle of Holland with the resolution of the Earle of Pembroke, Earle of Northumberland, ... : also some passages concerning His Maiesties letter to the lord major touching the carrying in of plate into Guild Hall.
JN194 1643 .J66 The necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated and proved by the doctrine of Christ and the apostles : the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of latter orthodox divines : that the power of the King is not of humane, but of divine right : and that God onely is the efficient cause thereof : whereunto is added, an appendix of all the chief objections that malice it selfe could lay upon His Majestie, with a full answer to every particular objection : also a tract intituled, Christvs Dei, wherein is proved that our soveraign Lord the king is not onely major singulis, but major univerfis.
The necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated and proved by the doctrine of Christ and the apostles : the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of latter orthodox divines : that the power of the King is not of humane, but of divine right : and that God onely is the efficient cause thereof : whereunto is added, an appendix of all the chief objections that malice it selfe could lay upon His Majestie, with a full answer to every particular objection : also a tract intituled, Christvs Dei, wherein is proved that our soveraign Lord the king is not onely major singulis, but major univerfis.
JN194 .H49 Hogs character of a projector being a relation of his life and death, with his funerall. 2
JN194 .L46 1641 Mr. Speakers letter to the Kings most excellent Majestie, Febr. 16, 1641 concerning the great affayres, and state of the kingdome. 2
JN194 .S63 1647 Reasons why we should admit the King to a personall treaty in Parliament, and not treat by commissioners 2
JN195 .P66 1966 The agitation for law reform during the Puritan Revolution, 1640-1660 / 1
JN196 1648 .J52 The works of that grave and learned lawyer Iudge Ienkins, prisoner in Newgate. Upon divers statutes, concerning, the liberty, and freedome of the subject. : With a perfect table thereto annexed.
The works of that grave and learned lawyer Iudge Ienkins, prisoner in Newgate upon divers statutes, concerning the liberty, and freedome of the subject : with a perfect table thereto annexed.
JN196 1659 .B3 A holy commonwealth, or, Political aphorisms opening the true principles of government : for the healing of the mistakes and resolving the doubts that most endanger and trouble England at this time ... / 1
JN196 1659 .B33 1994 A holy commonwealth / 1
JN196 1659 .B33 1994eb A holy commonwealth / 1
JN196 1659 .S7 A modest plea for an equal common-wealth against monarchy : in which the genuine nature and true interest of a free-state is briefly stated : its consistency with a national clergy, mercenary lawyers, and hereditary nobility examined ... / 1
JN196 .C65 1650 Judges judged out of their own mouthes. Or The question resolved by Magna charta, &c. Who have been Englands enemies, kings seducers, and peoples destroyers, from Hen. 3. to Hen. 8. and before and since. / 1
JN196 .J454 2002 Explaining the English Revolution : Hobbes and his contemporaries / 1
JN196 .P47 2014eb Perspectives on English revolutionary republicanism / 1
JN196 .P47 2016 Perspectives on English revolutionary republicanism 1
JN201 .K39 2014 The glorious revolution and the continuity of law / 1