Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN2066 .T58 1996 Hungary's negotiated revolution : economic reform, social change, and political succession, 1957-1990 / 2
JN2067 Populism and the European culture wars : the conflict of values between Hungary and the EU /
Populism and the European Culture Wars : the Conflict of Values between Hungary and the EU /
JN2067 .C74 2022 The politics of populism in Hungary / 1
JN2067 .H865 1995eb Hungary, the politics of transition / 1
JN2067 .H865 2017 Hungary, the politics of transition / 1
JN2067 .K6813 1999 Government and politics in Hungary / 1
JN2067.K6813 1999 Government and Politics in Hungary. 2
JN2067 .K6813 1999eb Government and politics in Hungary 1
JN2067 .P67 1992 Post-communist transition : emerging pluralism in Hungary / 1
JN2067 .R68 2002 The roundtable talks of 1989 : the genesis of Hungarian democracy : analysis and documents / 1
JN2067 .R68 2002eb The roundtable talks of 1989 the genesis of Hungarian democracy : analysis and documents / 1
JN2084 .D57 Directory of Hungarian officials / 1
JN2094 .W67 1990 Civil-military relations in a multiparty democracy : report of a conference organized by the RAND Corporation and the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs / 1
JN2121 .G47 1997 The Hungarian parliament, 1867-1918 : a mirage of power / 1
JN2121 .S9713 2020 Estates and constitution : the parliament in eighteenth-century Hungary / 1
JN2124 1848 .A3 A Magyar Nemzetgyülés Pesten 1848-ban : közli Pap Dénes. 1
JN2124 .R32 1989 The Hungarian parliament in transition : procedure and politics / 1
JN2165 .M55 2023 Civil movements in an illiberal regime : political activism in Hungary / 1
JN2165 .R36 2018 Activistes protestataires en Hongrie et en Roumanie / 1
JN2165 .R673 2005 From elections to democracy : building accountable government in Hungary and Poland / 1