Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN331 .K44 King and Commons, 1660-1832. 1
JN331 .M5 1953 God save the Queen : a modern monarchy: what it is and what it does. 1
JN331 .M62 2007 The monarchy and the British nation, 1780 to the present / 1
JN331 .S5 Government by decree. 1
JN331 .S53 2019 The shapeshifting Crown : locating the state in post-colonial New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK /
The shapeshifting crown : locating the state in postcolonial New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK /
JN331 .W37 The speech of the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Warrington, Lord Delamere, to the Grand Jury at Chester, April 13, 1692 2
JN335 .B5 Celtic and Anglo-Saxon kingship : the O'Donnell lectures for 1967-8; delivered in the University of Oxford on 23 and 24 May 1968. 1
JN335 .C5 The cult of kingship in Anglo-Saxon England : the transition from paganism to Christianity / 1
JN336 .L5 Über das englische Rechtsbuch Leges Henrici. 1
JN337 .J6 1963 Angevin kingship. 1
JN338 .B3 1940 The early Tudor theory of kingship / 1
JN338 .M66 2007 The monarchical republic of early modern England : essays in response to Patrick Collinson / 1
JN338 .M66 2016 The monarchical republic of early modern England essays in response to Patrick Collinson / 1
JN338 .R4 1960 The government of England under Elizabeth. 1
JN339 .E4 1679 A letter from a gentleman of quality in the countrey [sic], to his friend, upon his being chosen a member to serve in the approaching Parliament, and desiring his advice being an argument relating to the point of succession to the Crown : shewing from Scripture, law, history, and reason, how improbable (if not impossible) it is to bar the next heir in the right line from the succession. 1
JN339 .E54 1695 The debate at large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at the free conference held in the painted chamber, in the session of the convention anno 1688. Relating to the word, abdicated, and the vacancy of the throne, in the common's vote. 1
JN339 .H64 The learned readings of Sir Robert Holbourne, Knight upon the statute of 25 Edw. 3. cap. 2, being the statute of treasons : to which is added cases of [brace] prerogative, treason, misprision of treason, felony, &c. / 2
JN339 .S53 2000 Remapping early modern England : the culture of seventeenth-century politics / 1
JN339 .S66 Some of the arguments & reasons against the office and title of kingship insisted upon in the time of the late Parliament and now offered to the consideration of the people of this common-wealth. 2
JN339 .W47 Subjects and sovereigns : the grand controversy over legal sovereignty in Stuart England / 3