Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN453 .P7 The transformation of the Board of Trade, 1830-1855 : a study of administrative reorganization in the heyday of laissez faire. 1
JN500 1695 A true list of the lords spiritual and temporal, together with the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament at Westminster on the 22th [sic] of this instant November, 1695; as they have been returned into the Crown Office in Chancery. 1
JN500 .B56i Biographies of members of the European Parliament 1
JN500 .B562i Biographies of westminster members of Parliament 1
JN500 .D7 Dod's parliamentary companion. 1
JN500 .E54 1661 A list of the knights, citizens, and burgesses chosen to serve in the Parliament holden at Westminster the eighth of May. 1661 1
JN500 .L5 1660 A list of the names of the knights citizens burgesses and barons of the Cinque ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April, in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown office. 1
JN500 .L5 1681 A list of the House of Lords, together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England to be assembled at Oxford the 21st of March 1681. 1
JN500 .L57 1681 A list of the House of Lords together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque-ports that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England to be assembled at Oxford the 21st. of March 1681. (Note, that those that have either of these marks (*+) after them, were not members of the last Parliament) 1
JN500 .P29 Parliamentary history. 1
JN500 .P37 1685 A catalogue of all the names and sir-names of the Lords spiritual and temporal, knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque-ports, that are to serve in the Parliament of England, to begin the 19th of May 1685. To which is added the names of all the learned judges of His Majesties four courts of record : note, those who have this mark [double dagger] after them, were members of the late Parliament of Westminster or Oxford. 1
JN501 .B75 1995eb British parliamentary lists, 1660-1800 : a register / 1
JN501 .D8 1972 Electoral facts from 1832 to 1853 : impartially stated, constituting a complete political gazetteer / 1
JN501 .G74 A List of the House of Lords together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England to be assembled at Oxford the 21st of March 1681.
A List of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the new Parliament appointed by proclamation to meet at Westminster on Tuesday the 27th of September, 1698.
A List of the names of the knights, citizens, burgesses and barons of the Cinque-ports, that were returned to serve in the Parliament assembled at Oxford, March 21. 1680/81.
A List of the names of the knights, citizens, burgesses and barons of the Cinque ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England begun the sixth of March, 1678/9
JN501 .M2 1971 McCalmont's parliamentary poll book: British election results. 1
JN503 .C37 1642 A catalogue of the right honorable and noble lords, earles, viscounts, and barons, that have not absented themselves from the high and hon: house of the peeres of Parliament, and doe stand for the good of the king and kingdome in the parliamentary priviledges; and yet not gone to His Majestie at Yorke. Also a true and perfect relation of the particular passages at Yorke on Heworth-Moore, on Friday the 3. of Iune. 1642. With the names of the dukes, marquisses, earles, and lords, who now are with His Majesty at Yorke. Likewise an order from both houses of Parliament, concerning the ordering of the militia, directed to the deputy lievtenants of the respective counties throughout all England and dominion of Wales. 1
JN503 .C5 The Convention Parliament, 1689 : a biographical study of its members / 1
JN503 .E92 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 2
JN503 .P47 A Perfect catalogue of the peeres of the realm of England viz. Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, and Barons now sitting in this present Parliament, began at Westminster the 8th day of May in the 12th year of the reign of our Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second &c., 1661 : together with the auncient statute for placing the Lords in all Parliaments and other assemblies and conferences of councils. 2
JN503 .W34 1640 A catalogve of the names of the knights for the counties, citizens, burgesses for the boroughes, and barons for the ports for the House of Commons, for this Parliament begvn at Westminster the 3. of November, 1640.
A catalogve of the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, bishops, barons, that sit in this Parliament begun at Westminster the 3. of November, 1640.
A catalogue of the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, bishops, barons, that sit in this Parliament begun at Westminster the 3. of November, 1640.