Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN5567 .P47 1991 La Camera dei fasci e delle corporazioni / 1
JN5567 .R87 2022 MPs' roles and representation : orientations, incentives and behaviours in Italy / 1
JN5585 I giudici del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura / 1
JN5585 .F46 1984 La monarchia amministrativa : il sistema del contenzioso nelle Sicilie / 1
JN5585 .P44 1982 Per una storia del notariato meridionale / 1
JN5591 A Political History of National Citizenship and Identity in Italy, 1861-1950. 1
JN5591 .A577 2008 Altreitalie : cittadinanza e diritto al voto / 1
JN5591 .D63 2013 A political history of national citizenship and identity in Italy, 1861-1950 / 1
JN5593 Contesting race and citizenship : youth politics in the black Mediterranean / 2
JN5593 .M37 2012eb Media practices and protest politics : how precarious workers mobilise / 1
JN5593 .M37 2016 Media practices and protest politics : how precarious workers mobilise / 1
JN5593 .P55 2016eb Migrants' political participation in exclusionary contexts : from subcultures to radicalization / 1
JN5607 .B35 1988 Le elezioni nella storia d'Italia dall'Unità al fascismo : profilo storico-statistico / 1
JN5607 .I68 2002 The Italian general election of 2001 : Berlusconi's victory / 1
JN5607 .I683 2009 The Italian general election of 2008 Berlusconi strikes back / 1
JN5607 .I73 1987 Italy at the polls, 1983 : a study of the national elections / 1
JN5607 .I83 2019 The Italian general election of 2018 : Italy in uncharted territory / 1
JN5607 .M83 2001 Rules, choice and strategy : the political economy of Italian electoral reform / 1
JN5607 .P3 Le elezioni nell'Italia unita : assenteismo e astensionismo / 1
JN5607 .R59 1996 I nostri primi 50 anni : cronache della Repubblica italiana dal 1946 al 1996 attraverso le elezioni politiche : simboli, risultati, immagini / 1