Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN6573 .A45 1980 Prisoners of conscience in the USSR : their treatment and conditions : an Amnesty International report. 1
JN6573 .K3 Die russische Justizreform von 1864. : Zur Geschichte der russischen Justiz von Katharina II. bis 1917. 1
JN6574 .A57 Aktualʹnye problemy sovetsogo gosudarstva i prava v period stroitelʹstva kommunizma. : [Sbornik stateĭ / 1
JN6574 .B47 Justice in the U.S.S.R. : an interpretation of Soviet law. 1
JN6574 .C35 The Soviet lawyer and his system : a historical and bibliographic study / 1
JN6574 .D3 Russians at law. 1
JN6574 .F45 Justice in Moscow. 1
JN6574 .H39 1982 Managing change in the U.S.S.R. : the politico-legal role of the Soviet jurist / 1
JN6574 .H87 1986 Russian lawyers and the Soviet state : the origins and development of the Soviet bar, 1917-1939 / 1
JN6574 .K65 Sobranie sochinenǐi. 1
JN6574 .K84 The organs of Soviet administration of justice : their history and operation / 1
JN6574 .M35 R︠i︡echi : Sudebny︠i︡a, dumski︠i︡a i publichny︠i︡a lek︠t︡sii, 1904-1926 / 1
JN6574 .P47 1979 Teoreticheskie osnovy ėffektivnosti pravosudi︠i︡a / 1
JN6574 .P65 1979 Teoreticheskie problemy sistemy sovetskogo zakonodatelʹstva / 1
JN6574 .R35 The Soviet legal system--a primer / 1
JN6574 .R35 1974 The Soviet legal system : a primer / 1
JN6574 .S74 Proekty i zapiski. 1
JN6574 .S743 Istorī︠i︡a russkago prava. 1
JN6574 .V53 1909a Obzor istorii russkago prava / 1
JN6576 .L45 Politicheskie pro︠t︡sessy v Rossii 1860-kh gg. / 1