Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN6695 .G55 2000 Russia's stillborn democracy? : from Gorbachev to Yeltsin / 2
JN6695 .G6947 2021 Making Russia and Turkey great again? : Putin and Erdoğan in search of lost empires and autocratic power / 1
JN6695 .H35 2006 Why not parties in Russia? : democracy, federalism, and the state / 1
JN6695 .H35 2006eb Why not parties in Russia? Democray, Federalism, and the State / 1
JN6695 .H67 2012 Putin's Preventive Counter-Revolution : Post-Soviet Authoritarianism and the Spectre of Velvet Revolution. 2
JN6695 .H67 2013eb Putin's "preventive counter-revolution" : post-Soviet authoritarianism and the spectre of Velvet Revolution /
Putin's "preventative counter-revolution" : post-Soviet authoritarianism and the spectre of velvet revolution /
JN6695 .I36813 2019 The Putin system : an opposing view / 1
JN6695 .I58 2000 Institutions and political change in Russia / 1
JN6695 .I585 2010 Institutions, ideas and leadership in Russian politics / 1
JN6695 .J44 2011 Political developments in contemporary Russia / 1
JN6695 .J44 2011eb Political developments in contemporary Russia
Political developments in contemporary Russia /
JN6695 .L95 2005 How Russia is not ruled : reflections on Russian political development / 1
JN6695 .L95 2005eb How Russia is not ruled : reflections on Russian political development / 1
JN6695 .M37 2005 Lessons from Russia : Clinton and US democracy promotion / 1
JN6695 .M38 2001eo The challenge of revolution : contemporary Russia in historical perspective / 1
JN6695 .M528 2014 No illusions : the voices of Russia's future leaders / 1
JN6695 .M66 2017 Power in modern Russia : strategy and mobilisation / 1
JN6695 .N34 2000 The meltdown of the Russian state : the deformation and collapse of the state in Russia / 1
JN6695 .P47 2019 A mixed-method approach to studying popular support for democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet countries / 1
JN6695 .P6535 2008eb Politics and the ruling group in Putin's Russia 1