Call Number (LC) Title Results
JN906 (INTERNET) Regale necessarium, or, The legality, reason, and necessity of the rights and priviledges justly claimed by the Kings servants and which ought to be allowed unto them /
The free-born subject, or, The Englishmans birthright asserted against all tyrannical vsurpations either in church or state
JN906 .K58 1996 The three pillars of liberty : political rights and freedoms in the United Kingdom / 1
JN906 .K58 1996eb The three pillars of liberty political rights and freedoms in the United Kingdom / 1
JN906 .L38 2019 Not in their name : are citizens culpable for their states' actions? / 1
JN906 .M37 2004 Decline of the public : the hollowing out of citizenship / 1
JN906 .M377 2019 Citizenship and gender in Britain, 1688-1928 / 2
JN906 .M38 2010 Security, citizenship and human rights : shared values in uncertain times / 1
JN906 .M38 2010eb Security, citizenship and human rights shared values in uncertain times / 1
JN906 .O45 1994 The foundations of citizenship / 1
JN906 .P364 2003eb Citizenships, contingency and the countryside : rights, culture, land and the environment / 2
JN906 .P37 1998 Citizenship, work, and welfare : searching for the good society / 1
JN906 .P38 2004 Citizenship in Britain : values, participation, and democracy /
Citizenship in Britain : values, participation and democracy /
JN906 .P38 2004eb Citizenship in Britain : values, participation and democracy / 1
JN906 .P54 Regale necessarium, or, The legality, reason, and necessity of the rights and priviledges justly claimed by the Kings servants and which ought to be allowed unto them / 2
JN906 .S74 2022 Implementing citizenship, nationality and integration policies : the UK and Belgium in comparative perspective / 1
JN906 .W46 2019eb Whose government is it? : the renewal of state-citizen cooperation / 2
JN911 .L47 A Letter sent from a private gentleman to a friend in London in justification of his owne adhereing to His Majestie in these times of distraction with arguments induceing him thereunto, both from the law of God and man. 2
JN921 .W2 The rights and liberties of Englishmen asserted : with a collection of statutes and records of Parliament against foreigners : shewing that buy the constitution of England, no outlandish man, whether naturaliz'd or not, is capable of any office in England or Ireland : that no man ought to be made a bishop, but he that is English born : that no outlandish man ought to work or trade, but under the governance of English men : that no outlandish broker ought to be imployed here : with other useful observations. 1
JN923 .D93 1964a The art of the advocate. 1
JN923 .I36 Ignoramus vindicated in a dialogue between prejudice and indifference touching the duty, power, and proceedings of juries : together with some material points relating thereunto / 2