Call Number (LC) Title Results
JQ1508 .C85 1990 Zhongguo zheng zhi zhi du ci dian / 1
JQ1508 .D43 1995 Decision-making in Deng's China : perspectives from insiders / 1
JQ1508 .G37 1990 Mandarin Squares : Mandarins and their insignia / 2
JQ1508 .H6 Chinese political traditions / 1
JQ1508 .H778 1993 Tang dai yu shi zhi du yan jiu / 1
JQ1508 .H78 Rural China; imperial control in the nineteenth century. 1
JQ1508.H7883 D4 1993 Waiting for the dawn : a plan for the prince : Huang Tsung-hsi's Ming-i tai-fang lu / 1
JQ1508 .H79 1992 Zhonghua min guo zheng zhi zhi du shi / 1
JQ1508 .I4413 China as a model of development / 2
JQ1508 .J3 Government of Communist China / 1
JQ1508 .K84 1990 Soulstealers : the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768 / 1
JQ1508 .K84 1990eb Soulstealers : the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768 / 1
JQ1508 .L562 1983 Les institutions politiques et la lutte pour le pouvoir au milieu de la dynastie des Han antérieurs / 1
JQ1508 .L58 1996 Zhongguo ren shi xing zheng zhi du gai shu / 1
JQ1508 .M296 1996 Administrative reform in post-Mao China : efficiency or ethics / 1
JQ1508 .M56 1989 National polity and local power : the transformation of late imperial China / 2
JQ1508 .P94 1992 The spirit of Chinese politics / 2
JQ1508.S484 W4 1971 Wei Jin Nan Bei chao zheng zhi zhi du / 1
JQ1508 .T34 1992 Dang dai Zhongguo zheng fu / 1
JQ1508 .T65 1986 Tōdai seiji shakaishi kenkyū / 1