Call Number (LC) Title Results
JQ1681.K33 2011 Civic Engagement in Postwar Japan : the Revival of a Defeated Society. 1
JQ1681 .K47 1996 Democracy in postwar Japan Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomy /
Democracy in Postwar Japan : Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomy /
JQ1681 .K475 2019eb Local political participation in Japan : a case study of Oita / 1
JQ1681 .K54 1991 Political life in Japan : democracy in a reversible world / 1
JQ1681 .K63 2010 Honke gōmanizumu sengen / 1
JQ1681 .K7 Japanese radicals revisited : student protest in postwar Japan /
Japanese radicals revisited; student protest in postwar Japan
JQ1681 .L44 2006 The left in the shaping of Japanese democracy : essays in honour of J.A.A. Stockwin / 1
JQ1681 .L44 2006eb The left in the shaping of Japanese democracy : essays in honour of J.A.A. Stockwin / 1
JQ1681 .L45 2018 Empire of hope : the sentimental politics of Japanese decline / 2
JQ1681 .L45 2019 Empire of hope : the sentimental politics of Japanese decline / 1
JQ1681 .M3 2011 Popular democracy in Japan : how gender and community are changing modern electoral politics / 1
JQ1681 .M3 2011eb Popular democracy in Japan : how gender and community are changing modern electoral politics / 1
JQ1681 .M39 1994 Democracy in Japan : the emerging global concern / 1
JQ1681 .M57 1977 Amaeru : the expression of reciprocal dependency needs in Japanese politics and law / 2
JQ1681 .M57 2018 Amaeru : the expression of reciprocal dependency needs in Japanese politics and law / 1
JQ1681 .O358 2002 "Minshu" to "aikoku" : sengo Nihon no nashonarizumu to kōkyōsei / 1
JQ1681 .P45 2006 Japan's dual civil society : members without advocates / 1
JQ1681 .P65 1999 Political psychology in Japan : behind the nails which sometimes stick out (and get hammered down) / 1
JQ1681 .P69 2016 Power in contemporary Japan / 2
JQ1681 .R43 2010eb The rise of Japanese NGOs : activism from above / 1