Call Number (LC) Title Results
JQ1873.5.R43 N49 2016eb The new regionalism in Africa / 1
JQ1873.5.R43 R44 2016 Region-building in Africa : political and economic challenges /
Region-building in Africa : Political and Economic Challenges /
JQ1873.5.R43 T69 2003 "Towards a better regional approach to development in West Africa" : conclusions of the special event of Sahel and West Africa Club, Accra (Ghana), 20-21 May 2002 / 1
JQ1873.5.S8 R44 1985 Regional development at the international level : African and Canadian perspectives / 1
JQ1875 The Palgrave handbook of African political economy /
Military regimes and development : a comparative analysis of African states /
The Palgrave handbook of African political economy
Pockets of effectiveness and the politics of state-building and development in Africa /
Revolutionary movements in Africa an untold story.
Real Governance and Practical Norms in Sub-Saharan Africa the game of the rules.
Traditional Institutions in Contemporary African Governance.
Pan Africanism, regional integration and development in Africa
Governance and societal adaptation in fragile states
Traditional Authorities in Africa : Resurgence in an Era of Democratisation.
The Precarious balance : state and society in Africa /
Social revolutions and governance aspirations of African Millennials : emerging from the political shadows of strongmen /
Multiparty democracy and political change : constraints to democratization in Africa /
Ethics and accountable governance in Africa's public sector.
Out of the dark night : essays on decolonization /
Development Planning in South Africa : Provincial Policy and State Power in the Eastern Cape.
Repenser la légitimité de l'État africain à l'ère de la gouvernance partagée
The African Exception /
The Palgrave handbook of democracy, governance and justice in Africa /
Politics and government in South Africa /
JQ1875.A1 A35 African proconsuls : European governors in Africa / 2
JQ1875.A1 B53 1978 Armies and parties in Africa / 3
JQ1875.A1 C58 1994 The changing politics of non-governmental organizations and African states / 1
JQ1875.A1 E54 1992 Enhancing policy management capacity in Africa / 1
JQ1875.A1 F35 1990 The Failure of the centralized state : institutions and self-governance in Africa / 1
JQ1875.A1 R68 2015 Routledge handbook of African politics / 1
JQ1875 .A47 2023 African development and global engagements : policy, climate change, and COVID-19 / 1
JQ1875 .A5 1974 The Administration of change in Africa : essays in the theory and practice of development administration in Africa / 2
JQ1875.A55 State fragility and state building in Africa : cases from eastern and southern Africa /
Corruption proofing in Africa : a systems thinking approach /
Using evidence in policy and practice : lessons from Africa /
The failure of the centralized state : institutions and self-governance in Africa /
African politics and ethics exploring new dimensions /
Public policy and research in africa /
Deconstructing corruption in Africa /
JQ1875.A55 A84 2020 Space supporting Africa. 1
JQ1875.A55 A86 2007eb E-Goverance in Africa : a Handbook on ICTs for Local Governance. 1
JQ1875.A55.C6 2011eb L'État néopatrimonial genèse et trajectoires contemporaines / 1
JQ1875.A55 C6 2016eb Negotiating corruption : NGOs, governance and hybridity in West Africa / 1
JQ1875.A55 C6 2021 Public procurement, corruption and the crisis of governance in Africa / 1