Call Number (LC) Title Results
JQ1881 .M24 Politics in ex-British Africa / 1
JQ1882 Solonial sequence 1930 to 1949 : a chronological commentary upon British colonial policy especially in Africa / 1
JQ1882 .C3 Transition in Africa: studies in political adaptation / 1
JQ1882 .P4 2023 Solonial sequence 1930 to 1949 : a chronological commentary upon British colonial policy especially in Africa / 1
JQ1883 1957 .A8 West Africa and the Commonwealth. 1
JQ1883 1973 .M34 Politics in Africa; the former British territories
Politics in Africa : the former British territories /
JQ1883 1973 .M34 1973b Politics in ex-British Africa
Politics in ex-British Africa /
JQ1890 The government and administration of Africa, 1880-1939 /
The Government and Administration of Africa, 1880-1939 Vol 1 /
New public management in Africa : emerging issues and lessons /
The Government and Administration of Africa, 1880-1939 Vol 3 /
The Government and Administration of Africa, 1880-1939 Vol 4 /
JQ1890 .G684 2013 The Government and Administration of Africa, 1880-1939 Vol 2 / 1
JQ1890 .H28 Native administration in the British African territories / 1
JQ1890 .I68 Ideas and procedures in African customary law : studies presented and discussed at the Eighth International African Seminar at the Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, January 1966 / 1
JQ1890 .L49 Studies in African native law. 1
JQ1890 .U64 2005 Culture, development, and public administration in Africa / 1
JQ1891 African presidential republics / 1
JQ1891 .N9 Presidentialism in commonwealth Africa / 1
JQ1895 .R6 1969 Tangled justice : some reasons for a change of policy in Africa / 1
JQ1898 .V67 1999 Voting for democracy : watershed elections in contemporary anglophone Africa / 1
JQ1898 .V67 2018 Voting for democracy : watershed elections in contemporary anglophone Africa / 1
JQ1902.A6 W64 1991 Report of the National Conference of State Legislatures, South Africa Task Force 1990 study tour / 1
JQ1911 .C66 1978 Constitutional change in South Africa : proceedings of a Conference on Constitutional Models and Constitutional Change in South Africa, held in the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 14-16 February 1978 / 1