Call Number (LC) Title Results
JQ3396.A56 D428 2021 Precolonial legacies in postcolonial politics : representation and redistribution in decentralized West Africa /
Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics : Representation and Redistribution in Decentralized West Africa.
JQ3396.A58 B43 2008eb Brokering democracy in Africa the rise of clientelist democracy in Senegal / 1
JQ3396.A58 G8 De la situation politique des Sénégalais, originaires des communes de plein exercice, telle qu'elle résulte des lois des 19 octobre 1915, 29 septembre 1916 et de la jurisprudence antérieure. Conséquences au point de vue du conflit des lois françaises et musulmanes en matière civile, 1
JQ3396 .A58 I53 2015 PAL Incorruptible / 1
JQ3396.A91 F74 2018 Garbage citizenship : vital infrastructures of labor in Dakar, Senegal / 4
JQ3396.A91 G43 2005 Democracy in Senegal : Tocquevillian analytics in Africa / 1
JQ3396.A91 G43 2005eb Democracy in Senegal Tocquevillian analytics in Africa /
Democracy in Senegal : Tocquevillian analytics in Africa /
JQ3396.A91 G44 Structural changes and colonial dependency : Senegal, 1885-1945 / 1
JQ3396.A91 K84 2011eb Education and democracy in Senegal 1
JQ3396.A91 S34 1998 Democracy in translation : understanding politics in an unfamiliar culture / 1
JQ3396.A91 S4 1964 On African socialism 1
JQ3396.A979 K45 2020eb Party proliferation and political contestation in Africa : Senegal in comparative perspective / 1
JQ3396.A979 T7 Forces politiques en Afrique noire / 1
JQ3396.A98 U55 Politics, bureaucracy, and rural development in Senegal / 2
JQ3398.A5 S28 1988 Thomas Sankara speaks : the Burkina Faso revolution, 1983-87 / 1
JQ3404 .A3 1971.K313 Central African Republic : a failure in de-colonisation / 1
JQ3406.A58 N44 2019 Negotiating public services in the Congo : state, society and governance / 1
JQ3406.A83 S6 Traité élémentaire de droit coutumier du Congo belge. 1
JQ3407.A2 W4 Gabon: nation-building on the Ogooué 1
JQ3421.A3 1977 .S34213 Djibouti, pawn of the Horn of Africa / 1