Call Number (LC) Title Results
JS7373.A6 A5655 2013 Chōson gappei kara umareta Nihon kindai : Meiji no keiken / 1
JS7373.A6 C66 2003 Building transnational civil society : can Japanese local government bring it together? / 1
JS7373.A6 K38 2000 Haihan chiken : "Meiji kokka" ga umareta hi / 1
JS7373.A6 L745 2000 Haihan chiken : "Meiji kokka" ga umareta hi / 1
JS7373.A6 L754 1986 Haihan chiken : kindai tōitsu kokka e no kumon / 1
JS7373.A8 Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan 1
JS7373.A8 T24 2005 Chōnaikai haishi to "shinseikatsu kyōdōtai no kessei" / 1
JS7373.A8 T7813 2014 Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan. 1
JS7377.3 .H67 2005eb Institutions, incentives and electoral participation in Japan cross-level and cross-national perspectives /
Institutions, incentives and electoral participation in Japan : cross-level and cross-national perspectives /
JS7384.B5 H3 Government and local power in Japan, 500 to 1700 ; a study based on Bizen Province.
Government and local power in Japan, 500 to 1700 : a study based on Bizen Province.
JS7384.F8 S5 Nihon seisha seitō hattatsushi : Fukushima-ken jiyū minken undō shiryō o chūshin to shite / 1
JS7385.F79 A65 Suburban Tokyo : a comparative study in politics and social change / 2
JS7385.I4 I8 Edo jidai daikan seido no kenkyū : Ikuno daikan o chūshin to shite mita / 1
JS7385.K6 F8 1958 Gappei chōson no jittai / 1
JS7385.T6 T65 1962 Tōkyō Shisei Chōsakai yonjūnenshi. 1
JS7385.T63 A73 1995 Neighborhood and nation in Tokyo, 1905-1937 / 2
JS7392.A3 C46 2023 Silla chibang t'ongch'i chedosa = A study on the history of Silla local governance system / 1
JS7392 .K88 2024 Moral authoritarianism : neighborhood associations in the three Koreas, 1931-1972 / 1
JS7394.A2 C45733 2010eb Admonitions on governing the people : manual for all administrators / 1
JS7394.A2C4573313 2010 Admonitions on Governing the People : Manual for All Administrators. 2