Call Number (LC) Title Results
JV55 .I53 2018 Indigeneity and Decolonial Resistance. 1
JV60 .V6 1969 Politics of the developing nations 1
JV61 .B87 2004 Ambivalence and the postcolonial subject : the strategic alliance of Juan Francisco Manzano and Richard Robert Madden / 1
JV61 .C383 2016 The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism. 1
JV61 .C66 2011 Comparing empires : encounters and transfers in the long nineteenth century / 1
JV61-JV152 Duncan Sandys and the Informal Politics of Britain's Late Decolonisation /
Enlightened Colonialism : Civilization Narratives and Imperial Politics in the Age of Reason /
Colonial Justice and Decolonization in the High Court of Tanzania, 1920-1971 /
Education and Empire : Children, Race and Humanitarianism in the British Settler Colonies, 1833-1880 /
JV61-JV152DC1-DC947D British and French colonialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East : connected empires across the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries / 1
JV61 .M26 1873 Principios generales del arte de la colonización / 1
JV61 .M47 L'Anticolonialisme européen : de Las Casas à Karl Marx. Textes choisis et présentés par Marcel Merle. 1
JV61 .N67 2016  
JV61 .P28 The establishment of the European hegemony, 1415-1715 : trade and exploration in the age of the Renaissance / 1
JV61 .P33 2010 The rule of empires : those who built them, those who endured them, and why they always fall / 2
JV61 .P33 2010eb The rule of empires : those who built them, those who endured them, and why they always fall / 1
JV61 .P63 1966 The establishment of the European hegemony, 1415-1715 : trade and exploration in the age of the Renaissance. 1
JV61 .P67 2020 Populism and postcolonialism / 1
JV61 .P68 The Western invasions of the Pacific and its continents : a study of moving frontiers and changing landscapes, 1513-1958. 1
JV61 .R5 Der Kampf um den Erdraum : Kolonien vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart ... Mit 32 Bildtafeln, 10 Karten im Text und einer farbigen Übersichtskarte. 1
JV61 .R68 2016eb The Routledge handbook of the history of settler colonialism / 1
JV61 .S4 1958 Histoire des colonisations. 1
JV61 .S983 2010 Die europäische Expansion und ihre Feinde : Kolonialismuskritik vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert / 1