Call Number (LC) Title Results
JV6217.5 .B75 2016 Institutional reform and diaspora entrepreneurs : the in-between advantage / 1
JV6217.5 .D47 2017eb Deportation and return in a border-restricted world : experiences in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras / 1
JV6217.5 .D53 2009 Diasporic homecomings : ethnic return migration in comparative perspective / 1
JV6217.5 .D95 2020 Coming home to an (un)familiar country : the strategies of returning migrants / 1
JV6217.5 .G38 2018 The ethics and practice of refugee repatriation / 1
JV6217.5 .H36 2022 Handbook of Return Migration / 1
JV6217.5 .H36 2022i Handbook of return migration 1
JV6217.5 .H43 2001 Health, migration and return : a handbook for a multidisciplinary approach / 1
JV6217.5 .H565 2013 Hikiagesha no sengo / 1
JV6217.5 .H65 2004 Homecomings : Unsettling Paths of Return. 1
JV6217.5 P35 2016 Hikiage bungakuron josetsu : arata na posutokoroniaru e / 1
JV6217.5 .P36 2009 Remigranten in der SBZ/DDR und in Ungarn nach 1945 : ein Vergleich / 1
JV6217.5 R47 2017eb Return migration and psychosocial wellbeing : discourses, policy-making and outcomes for migrants and their families / 1
JV6217.5 .R48 2006eb Returning to the source : the final stage of the Caribbean migration circuit / 1
JV6217.5 .R48 2017 Return migration and psychosocial wellbeing : discourses, policy-making and outcomes for migrants and their families / 1
JV6217.5 .S87 2010eb Return migration and identity : a global phenomenon, a Hong Kong case / 2
JV6225 Kulturproduktion in der Migrationsgesellschaft Herausforderungen Für Kulturinstitutionen und Kulturpolitik.
Fuerza centrífuga La sociedad en movimiento: migración y turismo /
Migration, reproduction and society : economic and demographic dilemmas in global capitalism /
The making of migration : the biopolitics of mobility at Europe's borders /
Migration, recognition and critical theory
Refugee and mixed migration flows : managing a looming humanitarian and economic crisis /
Immigrants and Refugees : Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology.
Theologies on the move : religion, migration, and pilgrimage in the world of neoliberal capital /
Living in two homes : integration, identity and education of transnational migrants in a globalized world /
Migration and home : IMISCOE short reader /
Emigration nations : policies and ideologies of emigrant engagement /
Life strategies of migrants from crisis regimes achiever or survivor? /
Éxodos y geopolíticas /
Beyond a Border : the Causes and Consequences of Contemporary Immigration.
Das Geschlecht der Migration Bildungsprozesse in Ungleichheitsverhältnissen /
Migration and Torture in Today's World /
Migration and transnationalism Pacific perspectives /
Trajectories and imaginaries in migration : the migrant actor in transnational space /
Memory, migration and travel /
Smart borders, digital identity and big data : how surveillance technologies are used against migrants /
Migration and crime : realities and media representations /
Introduction to migration studies : an interactive guide to the literatures on migration and diversity /
Migration, cosmopolitanism and civil society : fostering cultural pluralism through citizenship politics /
Changing communities : stories of migration, displacement and solidarities /
Migration, Ethics and Power : Spaces Of Hospitality In International Politics /
People changing places : new perspectives on demography, migration, conflict, and the state /
Fundamentos de la inmigracion como proceso social
Gender and migration : IMISCOE short reader /
Nations unbound : transnational projects, postcolonial predicaments, and deterritorialized nation-states /
Moving-With and Moving-Through Homelands, Languages and Memory : an Arts-Based Walkography.
The political agency of British migrants : Brexit and belonging /
Psychosocial experiences of African migrants in six European countries a mixed method study /
Immigration, poverty, and socioeconomic inequality /
Amazonía y expansión mercantil capitalista : nueva frontera de recursos en el siglo XXI /
Wandlungsdynamiken transnationaler Familien unter Krisenbedingungen Biographische Perspektiven auf Familienfigurationen zwischen Spanien und Ecuador
The digital border : migration, technology, power /
Global marriage : cross-border marriage and marriage migration in global context /
Understanding lifestyle migration : theoretical approaches to migration and the quest for a better way of life /
White migrations : gender, whiteness and privilege in transnational migration /
Migration, diaspora and identity : cross-national experiences /
Social transformation and migration : national and local experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia /
Uncommon Alliances : Cultural Narratives of Migration in the New Europe /
Immigrants and poverty : the role of labour market and welfare state access /
Indian migration and empire : a colonial genealogy of the modern state /
Border deaths : causes, dynamics and consequences of migration-related mortality /
Bounded mobilities : ethnographic perspectives on social hierarchies and global inequalities /
Environmental migration in the face of emerging risks : historical case studies, new paradigms and future directions /
Border & rule : global migration, capitalism, and the rise of racist nationalism /
Cyberhate in the context of migrations /
Environmental conflicts, migration and governance /
Waiting and the temporalities of irregular migration /
International migration and crisis transition toward a new migratory phase /
Mediated Emotions of Migration : Reclaiming Affect for Agency /
Migration, media, and global-local spaces /
Mandarin development of Indonesian immigrants' children : a longitudinal study in Taiwan /
Migraciones internacionales y sostenibilidad social /
Migracja : w języku, literaturze i kulturze /
Doing digital migration studies theories and practices of the everyday.
Transnational migration and home in older age /
Begegnungen mit Migration : Ein Beitrag zur interkulturellen Kommunikation /
World of walls : the structure, roles and effectiveness of separation barriers /
International migrations and local governance a global perspective /
The courage for civil repair narrating the righteous in international migration /
Migration and domestic space : ethnographies of home in the making /
Migration, New Nationalisms and Populism : an Epistemological Perspective on the Closure of Rich Countries.
Power in vulnerability a multi-dimensional review of migrants' vulnerabilities /
Migration practice as creative practice : an interdisciplinary exploration of migration /
Immigration and categorical inequality : migration to the city and the birth of race and ethnicity /
New directions in diaspora studies : cultural and literary approaches /
Migration, culture and identity : making home away /
The state and the grassroots : immigrant transnational organizations in four continents /
EurAfrican borders and migration management : political cultures, contested spaces, and ordinary lives /
The politics of social cohesion : immigration, community, and justice /
Das Geschlecht der Migration - Bildungsprozesse in Ungleichheitsverhältnissen.
Re/formation and identity the intersectionality of development, culture, and immigration /
Exodos y geopoliticas.
JV6225 .A4 2002eb New approaches to migration? : transnational communities and the transformation of home / 1
JV6225 .A45 2021 Policing the borders within / 1
JV6225 .A63 2018eb Gender and migration : transnational and intersectional prospects / 1