Call Number (LC) Title Results
JV6483 .U557 2017i Enhancing public safety in the interior of the United States 1
JV6483 .U56 1999 Border patrol hiring despite recent initiatives, fiscal year 1999 hiring goal was not met, report to Congressional requesters / 1
JV6483 .U574 2017eb The United States immigration policy and immigrants' responses : past and present / 1
JV6483 .U58 1994i Accepting the immigration challenge the President's report on immigration. 1
JV6483 .U73 2008eb Nation, immigration, and environmental security
Nation, immigration, and environmental security /
JV6483 .U8 2018 U.S. national debate topic, 2018-2019. 1
JV6483 .U85 2012 Using pattern analysis and systematic randomness to allocate U.S. border security resources
Using pattern analysis and systematic randomness to allocate U.S. border security resources : technical report /
JV6483 .V53 2013 Suburban crossroads : the fight for local control of immigration policy / 1
JV6483 .V68 2004 The bully pulpit and the melting pot : American presidents and the immigrant, 1897-1933 / 1
JV6483 .W35 2020 Walls, cages, and family separation : race and immigration policy in the Trump era / 2
JV6483 .W45 1996 Law enforcement and the INS : a participant observation study of control agents / 2
JV6483 .W45 2004 Law enforcement and the INS : a participant observation study of control agents / 1
JV6483 .W455 2002 Detained : immigration laws and the expanding I.N.S. jail complex / 1
JV6483 .W47 2010eb Brain gain : rethinking U.S. immigration policy / 1
JV6483 .W523 2018 Immigration policy and the shaping of U.S. culture : becoming America / 1
JV6483 .W525 2006 Who belongs in America? : presidents, rhetoric, and immigration / 1
JV6483 .W525 2006eb Who belongs in America? : presidents, rhetoric, and immigration / 1
JV6483 .W53 1996 Re-creating America : the ethics of U.S. immigration and refugee policy in a Christian perspective / 2
JV6483 .W54 2018 Welcoming new Americans? : local governments and immigrant incorporation / 1
JV6483 .W5493 2018 Welcoming new Americans? : local governments and immigrant incorporation / 1