Call Number (LC) Title Results
JV6495 1993 America's newcomers : a state and local policymaker's guide to immigration and immigrant policy / 1
JV6495 .A46 1998 America's newcomers : mending the safety net for immigrants / 1
JV6507 .B4 1969 American immigration policy : a reappraisal / 1
JV6507 .B68 1992 Peaceful invasions : immigration and changing America / 1
JV6507 .C73 1983 The tarnished door : the new immigrants and the transformation of America / 2
JV6507 .C87 Xenophobia and immigration, 1820-1930 / 1
JV6507 .D3 A constructive immigration policy 1
JV6507 .P45 Restriction of immigration / 1
JV6507 .R4 Selected articles on immigration / 1
JV6507 .R4 1917 Selected articles on immigration / 1
JV6508.L7 S5 An educational test for immigrants : bibliography and selected arguments / 1
JV6529 .S93 Suggestions for the encouragement of emigration by theoretical, financial and practical means 1
JV6541 .A8 1872 Special report on immigration : accompanying information for immigrants relative to the prices and rentals of land, the staple products, facilities of access to market, cost of farm stock, kind of labor in demand in the western and southern states, etc., etc. To which are appended tables showing the average weekly wages paid in the several states and sections for factory, mechanical, and farm labor; the cost of provisions, groceries, dry goods, and house rent in the various manufacturing districts of the country, in the year 1869-'70 / 1
JV6543 .C67 1832i Manual for emigrants to America 1
JV6543 .C7 1969 Manual for emigrants to America. 1
JV6543 .S35 1927i Handbook for immigrants to the United States 1
JV6543 .W45 2015i Welcome to the United States a guide for new immigrants. 1
JV6543 .Y68 1873i Information for immigrants relative to the prices and rentals of access to market, the staple products, facilities of access to market, cost of farm stock, kind of labor in demand in the western and southern states, etc., etc. to which are appended tables showing the average weekly wages paid in the several states and sections for factory, mechanical, and farm labor, the cost of provisions, groceries, dry goods, and house rent in the various manufacturing districts of the country, in the year 1869-'70 / 1
JV6545.I8 A8 1975 Assimilation of the Italian immigrant. 1
JV6545.S6 W45 2005 Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos de América : guía para inmigrantes nuevos / 2