Call Number (LC) Title Results
JX1684 .W672 The World diplomatic directory and world diplomatic biography. 1
JX1686 .A18 1989 International directory of foreign ministers, 1589-1989 = Internationales Verzeichnis der Aussenminister, 1589-1989 / 1
JX1687 .T55 1982 The Times survey of foreign ministries of the world / 1
JX1692 .Q4 The office of ambassador in the Middle Ages / 1
JX1694 .C64 1983 The Consular dimension of diplomacy : a symposium / 1
JX1694 .C68 Explanatory report on the European convention on consular functions and its protocols. 1
JX1698.J8 S9 Ling shi cai pan quan wen tʻl 1
JX1698.J82 C47 1984 The justice of the Western consular courts in nineteenth-century Japan / 1
JX1699 .A45 Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe.
Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe /
JX1699 .U56 Unofficial diplomats / 3
JX1705 The United States and the World : From Imitation to Challenge. 2
JX1705 .A14d 1940 Department of State Appropriation Bill for 1940. : Hearings beforethe subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, on the Department of State Appropriation Bill for 1940. 1
JX1705 .A152 The Washington almanac of international trade & business. 1
JX1705 .A315 1915 Catalogue of the exhibit of the Department of State at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California, 1915 1
JX1705 .A34 1961 Staff memorandum on the Foreign Service Institute of the Department of State. : January 12, 1961. 1
JX1705 .A74 The foreign relations of the United States / 1
JX1705 .B35 1979 The Foreign Service of the United States : origins, development, and functions / 1
JX1705 .B45 The making of foreign policy / 1
JX1705 .B5 The Foreign Service of the United States / 1
JX1705 .E4 The policy machine : the Department of State and American foreign policy. 1