Call Number (LC) Title Results
JX1974.7 .I9 Die Abrüstung : die Bemühungen um Friedenssicherung durch Rüstungsbeschränkung und -kontrolle / 1
JX1974.7 .J28 1989 American psychology in the quest for nuclear peace / 1
JX1974.7 .J3 Diplomats, scientists, and politicians : the United States and the nuclear test ban negotiations / 1
JX1974.7 .J445 1988 Bargaining for national security : the postwar disarmament negotiations / 1
JX1974.7 .J447 1988 Negotiating nuclear arms control / 2
JX1974.7 .J45 Return from the nuclear brink : national interest and the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. 1
JX1974.7 .J6 Soviet bargaining behavior : the nuclear test ban case / 2
JX1974.7 .J87 1983 Justice and war in the nuclear age / 1
JX1974.7 .K158 2004 International control of tritium for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament / 1
JX1974.7 .K24 SALT : problems & prospects / 1
JX1974.7 K274 1986 Ban the bomb : a history of SANE, the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, 1957-1985 / 1
JX1974.7 .K47 Völkerrecht im Atomzeitalter. : Der Atomsperrvertrag u. seine Folgen. 1
JX1974.7 .K648 1996 Testing a nuclear test ban : what should be prohibited by a "comprehensive" treaty? / 1
JX1974.7 .K66 1985 The policy of nuclear adventurism : a threat to world peace / 1
JX1974.7 .K67 1984 Against the state of nuclear terror / 2
JX1974.7 .K735 1992 Nuclear summer : the clash of communities at the Seneca women's peace encampment / 1
JX1974.7 .L34 Nuclear proliferation, phase II / 2
JX1974.7 .L343 1997 The ABM treaty charade : a study in elite illusion and delusion / 1
JX1974.7 .L3475 1989 Cruise missile arms control / 1
JX1974.7 .L348 The day before doomsday : an anatomy of the nuclear arms race / 1