Call Number (LC) Title Results
JX1977.A1 A322 Publications of the United Nations system; a reference guide. 1
JX1977.A1 A5 Annual review of United Nations affairs. 1
JX1977.A1 A56x 1997 Renewal amid transition / 1
JX1977.A1 B68 1996 The 50th anniversary annual report on the work of the organization : 1996 report on the work of the organization from the fiftieth to the fifty-first session of the General Assembly / 1
JX1977.A1 C48 A chronology of the United Nations.
A Chronology and fact book of the United Nations.
JX1977.A1 C5 Chronology of the United Nations. 1
JX1977.A1 I58 International documents review : the weekly newsletter on the United Nations. 1
JX1977.A1 I582 UNdiplomatic times : the independent newspaper on the United Nations system. 1
JX1977.A1 L5 News letter - Chinese Association for the United Nations. 1
JX1977.A1 U45 1994 Report of the Preparatory Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations. 1
JX1977.A1 U5244 A global agenda : issues before the ... General Assembly of the United Nations : an annual publication of the United Nations Association of the United States of America. 1
JX1977.A1 U53 Report of the Joint Inspection Unit. 1
JX1977.A1 U56 United Nations law reports. 1
JX1977.A1 U562 Vista of the United Nations Association. 1
JX1977.A1 U563 United Nations review. 1
JX1977.A1 U564 UN chronicle. 1
JX1977.A1 U57 United Nations studies. 1
JX1977.A1 U647 United Nations television and video catalogue = Catalogue des programmes télévisés et vidéo des Nations Unies. 1
JX1977 .A15 1945k Charter of the United Nations : and Statute of the International Court of Justice. 1
JX1977 .A17 Rules of procedure of the General Assembly. 1