Call Number (LC) Title Results
JX4084.B33 H3 1962A The issues in the Berlin-German crisis / 1
JX4084.B35 C48 1992 Marine management in disputed areas : the case of the Barents Sea / 1
JX4084.B35 C48 1992eb Marine management in disputed areas the case of the Barents Sea / 1
JX4084.B38 A7 West Berlin: the legal context / 1
JX4084.B38 B27 Agreement on Berlin : a study of the 1970-72 quadripartite negotiations / 2
JX4084.B38 C38 The diplomacy of the Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin : a new era in East-West politics / 1
JX4084.B55 V95 Chernoe more : mezhdunar.-pravovye vopr. / 1
JX4084.B75 D38 1995 The legal status of British dependent territories : the West Indies and North Atlantic region / 1
JX4084.C86 N43 1989 The Cyprus question and the Turkish position in international law / 1
JX4084.C86 N43 1993 The Cyprus question and the Turkish position in international law / 1
JX4084.E7 B471 1989 Eritrea and the United Nations and other essays / 1
JX4084.F34 G87 1988 The sovereignty dispute over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands / 1
JX4084.F34G87 1988 JX4084.F3 The Sovereignty Dispute Over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands. 1
JX4084.F34 I58 1992 International perspectives on the Falklands conflict : a matter of life and death / 1
JX4084.F34 P47 1983 The Falkland Islands dispute in international law and politics : a documentary sourcebook / 1
JX4084.G3 S35 Deutschlands staatliche Existenz im Widerstreit politischer und rechtlicher Gesichtspunkte, 1945-1963. 1
JX4084.G3 S57 1961 Dokumentation zur Deutschlandfrage. 1
JX4084.G4 D4 Deutschlandfrage und Völkerrecht. : Beiträge von Vertretern der sozialistischen Völkerrechtswissenschaft. 1
JX4084.G5 G45 1967 Further documents on Gibraltar, October 1966-June 1967. 1
JX4084.G5 G45 1968 Further documents on Gibraltar, June 1967-June 1968. 1