Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ1318 .G585 2002 Globalization and regionalization : challenges for public policy / 1
JZ1318 .G5864 2009 Globalization and utopia critical essays / 1
JZ1318 .G587 2008eb Globalization as evolutionary process : modeling global change / 2
JZ1318 .G59 2004eb A globalizing world? : culture, economics, politics / 2
JZ1318 .G65 2013 Divided nations : why global governance is failing, and what we can do about it / 2
JZ1318 .G66 2005 Globalizacíon/mundializacíon : una bibliografía seleccionada de fuentes en español = Globalization: a selected bibliography of sources in Spanish / 1
JZ1318 .G663 2010 Globalization in English studies / 1
JZ1318 .G663 2010eb Globalization in English studies / 1
JZ1318 .G667 2013 Globalization, difference and human security / 1
JZ1318.G676 2017 International Cooperation in the Early Twentieth Century. 1
JZ1318 .G6787 2010 Globalization, localization, and Japanese studies in the Asia-Pacific region = Ajia Taiheiyō chiiki ni okeru gurōbarizeishon, rōkarizeishon to Nihon bunka. 1
JZ1318 .G679 2002 Globalization on the line : culture, capital, and citizenship at U.S. borders / 2
JZ1318 .G67912 2009 Globalization, political violence and translation /
Globalization, political violence and translation
JZ1318 .G679153 2010 Globalization : the greatest hits, a global studies reader / 1
JZ1318 .G67916 2008 Globalization : theory and practice / 1
JZ1318 .G6792 2003 Globalization under construction : governmentality, law, and identity / 1
JZ1318 .G6792 2003eb Globalization under construction : governmentality, law, and identity / 2
JZ1318 .G6794 2002 Globalization, the Third World state and poverty-alleviation in the twenty-first century / 1
JZ1318 .G679453 2009eb Globalization : understanding, management, and effects / 1
JZ1318 .G67946 2006eb Globalizing democracy : party politics in emerging democracies / 1