Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ1318 .I475 2007eb Implications of globalisation / 1
JZ1318 .I5 2005 Cultures in globalization : a Europe-India dialogue on global challenges and cultural visions : proceedings of the International Cultural Forum New Delhi held in November 2005 / 1
JZ1318 .I5552 2016 Governance in the new global disorder : politics for a post-sovereign society / 2
JZ1318 .I557 2004eb The interdependence handbook : looking back, living the present, choosing the future / 1
JZ1318 .I5574 2012eb International relations theory and regional transformation / 1
JZ1318 .I558 2005 Internalizing globalization : the rise of neoliberalism and the decline of national varieties of capitalism / 1
JZ1318 .I558 2005eb Internalizing globalization the rise of neoliberalism and the decline of national varieties of capitalism / 1
JZ1318 .I56 1999 Innovation in multilaterialism / 1
JZ1318 .I563 2005 International commissions and the power of ideas / 1
JZ1318 .I568 2010 International cooperation : the extents and limits of multilateralism / 1
JZ1318 .I568 2010eb International cooperation : the extents and limits of multilateralism / 1
JZ1318 .I5685 2010 International governance, regimes, and globalization : case studies from Beijing and Taipei / 1
JZ1318.I5685 2010 International Governance, Regimes, and Globalization : Case Studies from Beijing and Taipei. 1
JZ1318 .I57 2006 International organization and global governance : a reader / 1
JZ1318 .I58 2023 Inter-organizational relations and world order : re-pluralizing the debate / 2
JZ1318 .I583 2010 International cooperation : the extents and limits of multilateralism / 1
JZ1318 .I635 2023 Imagining a common horizon for humanity and the planet / 1
JZ1318 .J33 1984 Networks of interdependence : international organizations and the global political system / 1
JZ1318 .J35 2006eb Globalism, nationalism, tribalism : bringing theory back in /
Globalism, nationalism, tribalism bringing theory back in /
JZ1318 .J36 2021eb The war of words : a glossary of globalization / 2