Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ1436 .M66 2021 An experts' guide to international protocol : best practice in diplomatic and corporate relations / 1
JZ1436 .R584 2017 Diplomatic Protocol, Etiquette, Statecraft and Trust. 1
JZ1436 .T7 1661 A true relation of the manner of the dangerous dispute, and bloody conflict, betwixt the Spaniards and the French, at Tower-wharfe and Tower-hill, on Munday September the 30th. 1661. Upon the landing of the Lord Ambassador from the Crown of Sweden. With the number killed and wounded on both sides, the routing of the French Horse; the dissipating of the Foot; and the great and honourable service performed by Seneor De Nalance, Secretary to His Excellency the Lord Ambassador of Spain, Seneor Don Dego, and divers others. As also, the particulars thereof; and the manner of their first onset and last retreat. Published for general satisfaction. 1
JZ1436 .Z43 2013 Xian Qin shi qi de guo li yu guo jia wai jiao : cong shi zu bu luo jiao wang dao guo jia jiao wang / 1
JZ1442 .C66 2008 Celebrity diplomacy / 1
JZ1442 .F67 (INTERNET) Foreign consular offices in the United States 1
JZ1444 .H64 2020 Modern consuls, local communities and globalization / 1
JZ1444 .L44 1961i Consular law and practice 1
JZ1444 .L44 2015 Consular law and practice / 1
JZ1444 .S76 1909 Consular cases and opinions, from the decisions of the English and American courts and the opinions of the attorneys general / 1
JZ1444 .T87 1856i The British consul's manual being a practical guide for consuls, as well as for the merchant, shipowner, and master mariner, in all their consular transactions / 1
JZ1444 .W513 1716i The embassador and his functions to which is added, an historical discourse, concerning the election of the emperor, and the electors / 1
JZ1446 .L83 1913i Consular treaty rights and comments on the "most favored nation" clause 1
JZ1450 .T76 2018 Political influence operations : how foreign actors seek to shape U.S. policy making / 1
JZ1450 .U53 1963 Activities of nondiplomatic representatives of foreign principals in the United States. Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Eighty-eighth Congress, first session, under the authority of S. Res. 362, 87th Congress, and S. Res. 26, 88th Congress, authorizing the Committee on Foreign Relations to study the nondiplomatic activities of foreign governments .. 1
JZ1450 .U54f Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, for the period from ... 1
JZ1464 .H36 1962 The Inter-American security system and the Cuban Crisis; background papers and proceedings of the Third Hammarskjöld Forum. 1
JZ1464 .R66 1963 Law and politics in inter-American diplomacy. 1
JZ1466 .F37 1978 The United States and the inter-American system : are there functions for the forms? / 1
JZ1466 .M36 1924 Arbitration treaties among the American nations : to the close of the year 1910 / 1